ࡱ> CEB{ &bjbjzz 4:| | 4 R"(((((!!!!!!!$>$&\!!(( "OOO"((!O!OO:u4 (99 !""0R" .L'OL' L' O!!OR"L'|  :  Sample Consultant Terms of Reference Sample Consultant TORs contained in this document: Energy and Emissions Inventory Consultant Project Assessment Consultant Energy Planner for Scenario Development Consultant Project Prioritization Consultant Graphic Design and Report Writing Consultant Public Relations and Press Release Consultant Energy Project Development Consultant A - Energy and Emissions Inventory Consultant The consultant for this work should be an energy planner, energy engineer or have a technical background sufficient to collect a wide variety of urban energy data and convert and calculate the Energy Balance and GHG Inventory components of the SUEEP Spreadsheet. This scope of work includes liaising with the Energy Task force to meet with stakeholders who provide data, performing calculations and unit conversions to generate an energy balance and a GHG inventory, and writing a summary report. The consultant should be familiar with energy consumption calculation methods for transportation, buildings, industry, water and wastewater, street lighting, solid waste management and other urban energy consumption sources. The consultant should also be familiar with GHG emissions inventories and calculation methods for calculating all types of GHG emissions in cities. The deliverable for this work will be the Energy Balance and GHG Inventory Spreadsheet.xls and a supporting report documenting the sources of the data and any relevant analysis not incorporated in the data collection spreadsheet. It is expected that this assignment would require a 4 to 8 week time frame. B - Project Assessment Consultant The consultant for this work should be an energy planner, energy engineer or have a technical background sufficient to be familiar with a wide variety of energy conservation, GHG emission reduction, transportation and traffic management programs and energy efficient urban planning principles. This scope of work includes reviewing each of the 78 energy and GHG emission reduction projects in the Project Assessment Sheet and assessing criteria for each of the proposed projects. The consultant will be required to calculate or estimate from experience the level of energy savings, GHG savings and cost savings from each project in all energy consuming sectors including: transportation, industry, commercial, residential, city and other GHG emissions sources (such as landfill gas capture). The deliverable for this work will be a completed Project Assessment Sheet and a supporting report documenting the estimates and any relevant analysis not incorporated in the spreadsheet. It is expected that this assignment would require a 2 to 4 week time frame. C - Energy Planner for Scenario Development Consultant The consultant for this work should be an energy planner, energy engineer or have a technical background sufficient to be familiar with estimating energy consumption patterns of cities, estimating growth trends and have familiarity with impacts of economic development on energy consumption. The scope of work will be to take the data collected in the Energy Balance and GHG Inventory Spreadsheet and formulate scenarios for energy growth into a 5 to 20 year time horizon. Alternative scenarios for population and economic growth, and impacts from climate change should be set out as the basis for the growth scenarios. The consultant should show how energy and GHG emissions are effected from these fundamental drivers. Then the consultant should use energy savings or impacts on energy and GHG emissions identified in the Project Assessment Sheet to project the reductions in energy and GHG emissions over the planning horizon. The deliverable for this work will be an Energy Growth Scenarios report which outlines the assumptions, the analysis and the conclusions from the energy growth planning. D - Project Prioritization Consultant The consultant for this work should be an energy planner, energy engineer or have a technical background sufficient to be familiar with a wide variety of energy conservation, GHG emission reduction, transportation and traffic management programs and general energy efficient urban planning principles. This scope of work includes reviewing the Project Assessment Sheets and synthesizing the results into the Project Assessment and Prioritization Toolkit. The consultant will review the assessed criteria for each of the 78 energy and GHG emission reduction projects proposed and input this data into the spreadsheet. The consultant will then follow the prioritization process outlined in the toolkit and interpret the results for the city's Energy Task Force. The deliverable for this work will be the completed Project Assessment and Prioritization sheet (see Project Assessment and Prioritization Toolkit) and a supporting report documenting the estimates and any relevant analysis produced during the prioritization process. It is expected that this assignment would require a 4 to 8 week time frame. E - Graphic Design and Report Writing Consultant The consultant for this work should be a graphic designer or publication consultant who is familiar with writing public documents based on technical information. The consultant should have the software and familiarity with the printing and print reproduction process for official government documents. This scope of work includes synthesizing the vast amount of data and information generated in the SUEEP process and presenting it in a manner that is easily understood by the public, developing a communicable story on the energy future for the city and developing an attractive report that showcases the citys energy and emissions plan. The deliverable for this work will be a digital and print format Sustainable Urban Energy and Emissions Plan for the city which summarizes the work completed by the Energy Task Force and the action plans for energy policy set out by the city. The time frame for this work is 4 to 8 weeks. F- Public Relations and Press Release Consultant The consultant for this work should be a public relations or communications firm with the experience to distribute the SUEEP report to the desired destinations locally, regionally or globally. Expertise or experience in energy issues is not required, but could be advantageous in reaching a global audience or potential funders of energy and environmental investment. This scope of work includes publicizing the SUEEP document, holding press events for the Energy Task Force to let local communities know about future energy planning policies, and publicizing the SUEEP work on an international venue if desired by the Mayor. The deliverable for this work will be the delivery of pre-determined press events and publicity events in local, national and international venues. The time frame for this work could range from 2 months to 6 months depending on the scale and extent of publicity which is required. G - Energy Project Development Consultant The consultant for this work should be an energy planner, energy engineer or have a technical background sufficient to be familiar with a wide variety of energy conservation, GHG emission reduction, transportation and traffic management programs and general energy efficient urban planning principles. This scope of work includes working with the Energy Task Force to finalize the list of the top 5 to 10 energy projects that were picked from the project assessment and prioritization process. The consultant will develop an implementation plan for each of the projects. This will include a financing, legal, roll-out, project publicity and construction strategy, if required. The deliverable for this work will be implementation plans for each of the high priority energy projects. It is expected that this assignment would require a 2 to 4 month time frame. 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