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BRIEF February 23, 2024

Listening to the Kyrgyz Republic

Listening2KGZ abstract banner

  • Listening to the Kyrgyz Republic (L2KGZ) is a monthly panel survey conducted via phone interviews with 1,500 households every month from all regions of the Kyrgyz Republic. The study follows the same group of households¡ªrepresentative of the population of the Kyrgyz Republic¡ªover time, collecting information on how their livelihoods and perceptions of their livelihoods change from one month to the next.

    This survey launched in December 2021 and focuses on key dimensions of wellbeing, including food security, labor market outcomes, remittances, access to services and shocks, as well as views on economic conditions and governance.

    L2KGZ quarterly briefs summarize changes that occurred in the last three months, and explore a range of topics based on the data over the entire period during which the survey has been administered, starting from December 2021.

    For questions about the L2KGZ survey, please contact Elizaveta Perova (eperova@worldbank.org), Senior Economist and  Aibek Ashirov (aashirov@worldbank.org), Economist.

  • Key Trends in Q4 2023
    (October-December 2023)
    Household Wellbeing
    • Overall, the socioeconomic situation of households improved during Q4 2023. Financial security and food security of households increased. Inflation-adjusted incomes remained stable. The likelihood to fall sick and need medical attention has trended downward since December 2021, but data exhibits seasonal spikes in winter. The level of indebtedness has risen, while the share of household income spent on paying or servicing this debt has been gradually decreasing.
    • The fraction of households who experienced an adverse event increased in Q4 2023 but by a small margin, driven by a higher likelihood in loss of employment and a seasonal spike in illnesses.
    • There were no major changes in disruption of public services: electricity, gas, water, and heating.
    • Subjective perceptions of wellbeing reflected positive changes in socioeconomic situation and continued to improve in Q4 2023.

    Views on Economy and Governance

    • Views on national and local economic conditions continued to improve.
    • Jobs and prices remain the most pressing economic challenges, while the number of people concerned about economic inequality increased.
    • Views on the government¡¯s work and trust in politicians and the central bank were trending upward.
