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Entrepreneurship Policy Development Webinar Series

June 28-December 31, 2022


Entrepreneurship Policy Development Webinar Series Banner
  • The FCI EAP Seoul Center for Finance and Innovation is launching a new webinar series titled Entrepreneurship Policy Development: Lessons for Developing Economies. Guided by Korea¡¯s recent experiences deploying wide-ranging policy instruments targeting entrepreneurship development and venture finance, the series intends to share policy lessons with emerging economies on its respective impacts on promoting innovation and economic growth. In partnership with entrepreneurship support organizations in EAP countries, the series will address different policy aspects and implementation challenges in each session to establish a knowledge exchange platform and take stock of what have worked and what di¡¯n¡¯t in terms of entrepreneurship policy. Specific topics to be discussed include developing deal flow through incubation and acceleration at scale, removing barriers to entry through regulatory sandboxes, providing effective entrepreneurship and innovation financing, promoting science and technology-based entrepreneurship, leveraging private sector-led resources and initiatives, and other related themes.


    The second session of our webinar series will be announced shortly.

  • Entrepreneurship Policy Development Webinar Series landscape agenda

    The first session features policy experiences from Korea and Vietnam and give an overview of both countries entrepreneurial landscape, including key policy initiatives and outcomes. Both countries recognize the need to transform and diversify their respective economies through innovative entrepreneurship, but the scale, effectiveness, and outcomes of policy efforts differ tremendously. Why the focus on entrepreneurship policy, why now? and what are the key policy objectives? How to promote innovative entrepreneurship and what is the role of the public sector? What are the outcomes of entrepreneurship policy and what are the lessons from recent implementation experiences? The session features speakers and panelists from Korea and Vietnam¡¯s NATEC/MOST and NIC/MPI and will be followed by a moderated discussion.

    About the speaker

    Prof. Jung-hwa Han is the Emeritus Professor of Hanyang University and an adjunct professor of the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology in strategy and entrepreneurship. Prof. Han was previously the head of the Small and Medium Business Administration, the predecessor to today¡¯s Ministry of SMEs and Startups in Korea. He has been actively involved in promoting entrepreneurship in Korea, serving as the chairman of Asan Nanum Foundation to foster entrepreneurship among the youth as well as the chairman of the Korea Academy of Small Business Policy Studies.

    This page will be updated with video at a later date.

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Events Detail

  • Date and Time: Session 2 TBD