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Launch: 2022 GovTech Maturity Index and Data Dashboard

November 16, 2022
Hybrid (Online or MC 13-121 )
The GTMI measures the key aspects of four GovTech focus areas: supporting core government systems, enhancing service delivery

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Despite progress in online service delivery,  and underlying shared digital platforms, the digital divide widens mainly due to the lack of policies and resources needed to launch key digital transformation initiatives in most of the low and middle-income countries. This is one of the main findings of the second edition of the GovTech Maturity Index (GTMI) that will be presented for the first time to the public on November 16, 2022.

The GTMI was introduced in 2020, supported by the GovTech Global Partnership, to measure the maturity of four GovTech focus areas: core government systems, enhancing service delivery, mainstreaming citizen engagement, and fostering GovTech enablers. The GTMI includes 48 key indicators, and the underlying central government GovTech Dataset covers 198 economies.

The index assists practitioners in designing new digital transformation projects and is an important tool for helping countries understand where they are on their public sector digital transformation trajectory.

During this launch event, you will learn more about the phased approach followed for updating the GovTech Dataset and calculating the GTMI groups with direct participation of 850+ country officials from 135 economies, and new indicators introduced to measure the use and performance of existing platforms, as well as the trends, main findings and key messages.

The GTMI Team will also present the new GTMI data dashboard aimed at helping the end-user digest and explore the contents of the GovTech Dataset and the GovTech Projects Database through maps and graphs.

We are pleased to invite you to attend the 2022 GTMI update launch event. 

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  • DATE: November 16, 2022
  • TIME: 9:00AM - 10:30AM (EST)