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Indonesia Poverty Assessment Report Launch

May 9, 2023
Soehanna Hall of Energy Building in SCBD Sudirman, Jakarta

Indonesia Poverty Assessment Launch, May 2023

Indonesia Poverty Assessment event

Indonesia has made impressive gains in reducing poverty, with previously lagging regions catching up. The Government¡¯s goal to eliminate extreme poverty by 2024 is basically met. As an aspiring upper-middle income country, however, Indonesia may  widen its focus beyond extreme poverty by moving from the US$ 1.90 2011 PPP poverty line to higher lines for middle income countries.

The Indonesia Poverty Assessment provides information on the causes and consequences of poverty and examines how public policies, expenditures, and institutions affect poor people. The report will be launched on May 9th, 2023 at the Soehanna Hall of Energy Building in SCBD Sudirman. The launch will be exclusively face-to-face. The event will mostly be delivered in English, while synchronous translation to Indonesian will be available.

Event Details

  • WHEN: May 9 at 9:00am - 10:30am (Jakarta Time)
  • WHEN: Soehanna Hall, Energy Building, Jakarta
  • CONTACT: Dyah Kelasworo Nugraheni 
  • dnugraheni@worldbank.org