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Deep Dive Sessions- Anticorruption for Development: Integrity of Procurement and Contract Management

June 26, 2023
Washington, D.C.

1: Integrity of Procurement and Contract Management

Contract management is an often-overlooked area of the public procurement process.  Bidding process traditionally gets more focus, but contract management carries significant risks of delays, overruns, poor quality, and contract variations, which in turn carry corruption risks. Join us for a session on the most frequent issues occurring in contract management and a brainstorming on potential solutions. 

Opening Remarks:, Practice Manager, Governance, World ¶¹ÄÌÊÓƵAPP

Moderator: Erica Bosio, Senior Public Sector Specialist, Governance, World ¶¹ÄÌÊÓƵAPP

, Executive Director, Open Contracting
, Director, Government Transparency Institute
, Head of Division at Consip, National Central Purchasing Body, Italy