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Climate Shocks



  • Targeted people-centered, community-led, customized solutions and delivery mechanisms for climate actions: Strengthened ability of the poorest and vulnerable to recover quickly and more effectively from climate (and other) shocks.
  • Information systems for early warning and decision support: Strengthened and enhanced climate information systems for early warning and decision support reaching the poorest and most vulnerable.
  • Institutional and policy response: Improved institutional, risk financing and macro-fiscal policy to prepare and respond to climate shocks (and pandemics).


  • 150 million people have access to impact-based forecasting and warnings in at least six countries
  • Timely and reliable forecasts and warnings are available at the national, regional, and local levels and efficiently reach end users.
  • Weather, climate, and hydrological services for key sectors are developed and delivered and trigger coordinated decisions and actions
  • Improved delivery systems for cash transfers and other social protection programs
  • Increased resilience among poor households across Sub-Saharan Africa
  • Strengthened financing for disaster risk management and climate change adaptation
  • Partnerships on hydromet with global/regional centers of excellence, academia, private sector and CSOs are scaled up