Targeting Firms with High-Growth Potential

August 27, 2019


The Competitiveness Policy Evaluation Lab works closely with projects teams and governments to design, implement, and evaluate pilots for programs that use targeting schemes to identify business with high growth potential. Examples are business plan competitions and schemes for scoring star ups.

The idea behind this cluster is to improve targeting for business-support programs so that they reach firms with most potential that cannot grow without such support. Policies that target and promote high-growth firms are expected to have impact on increasing employment, incomes, and ultimately economic growth. Further details on the cluster topic can be found in .

The following are impact evaluations that are relevant in this area, sponsored by ComPEL and/or other partners.

Online Consulting Services to Improve SME Practices

Promoting E-Commerce

Business Plan Competition

Promoting High Impact Entrepreneurship


1 Training the Owner and Linking Firms to Business Services


Western Balkans:
Investment Readiness Program for Innovative SMEs 
