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ICP: The 3rd Technical Advisory Group and 4th Task Force Meeting (May 2-3, 2019)


  • Session 1 Progress with the ICP 2017 Cycle

Session 1.1: Progress with implementing the ICP 2017 cycle, research agenda, and overall timetable

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Session 1.2: Proposed ICP communication and dissemination strategy and outline of the ICP 2017 final report



  • Session 2 PPP Compilation and Computation Task Force

Session 2.1: Quality and coverage of the ICP 2017, revised ICP 2011 and PPP timeseries input data

Session 2.2: Preliminary ICP 2017 results for household consumption and consistency between benchmark results

Session 2.3:  Revision of OECD¡¯s historical results

Session 2.4: Proposed approach for building PPP timeseries and preliminary PPP time series for household consumption


Session 2.5: Revised productivity adjustment factors and potential impact

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  • Session 3 Country Operational Guidelines and Procedures Task Force

Session 3.1: Overall progress

Session 3.2: Implementing rolling price surveys and planning the ICP 2020 cycle


Session 3.3: ICP-CPI synergies

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Session 3.4: Sub-national PPPs

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  • Session 4 Housing Task Force

Session 4.1: Quality and coverage of the ICP 2017 housing data

Session 4.2: Progress with producing regional housing PPPs in Asia

Session 4.3: Eurostat¡¯s experience with estimating rental equivalence

Session 4.4: Progress on Indirect Quantity comparisons to link housing across regions


Session 4.5: Progress on Direct Quantity comparisons to link housing across regions