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ICP: The 5th Technical Advisory Group (February 20-21, 2020)


  • Session 1: Progress of the ICP 2017 cycle

1.01 Progress with the ICP 2017 cycle and results release plans


  • Session 2: Review of results

2.01 Overall process, replicability and transparency of ICP results

2.02 Review of 2017 results, revised 2011 results, and consistency between benchmark years 

2.03 Review of PPP timeseries 


2.04 Estimation of PPPs for non-participating countries 


  • Session 3: Publication of results

3.01 Publication level for the 2017 results, revised 2011 results, and PPP timeseries 


  • Session 4: Research agenda

4.01 ICP research agenda and progress to date 

4.02 Exports and Imports PPPs 

4.03 Housing and fixity

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4.04 Price webscraping in Western Asia