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Peer reviewed journal articles


International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health
Maryann G. Delea, Jedidiah S. Snyder, Mulat Woreta, Kassahun Zewudie, Anthony W. Solomon, Matthew C. Freeman
June 2020

Felipe Barrera-Osorio, Pierre De Galbert, James Habyarimana, Shwetlena Sabarwal
Economic Development and Cultural Change
January 2020


Maryann G. Delea, Jedidiah S. Snyder, Mulusew Belew, Bethany A. Caruso, Joshua V. Garn, Gloria D. Sclar, Mulat Woreta, Kassahun Zewudie, Abebe Gebremariam & Matthew C. Freeman
BMC Public Health

Nozomi Nakajima, Haeil Jung, Menno Pradhan, Amer Hasan, Angela Kinnell and Sally Brinkman
Developmental Science
December 2019

Sharon Wolf and Morgan E. Peeleb
Teaching and Teacher Education
November 2019

Amy J. Pickering, Yoshika Crider, Sonia Sultana, Jenna Swarthout, Frederick G.B. Goddard, Syed Anjerul Islam, Shreyan Sen, Raga Ayyagari and Stephen P. Luby
The Lancet
September 2019

Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry and Neurology
A. Maharani
September 2019

Monique Vledder, Jed Friedman, Mirja Sj?blom, Thomas Brown and Prashant Yadav
Health Systems and Reform
June 2019

Jan Berkes, Abbie Raikes, Adrien Bouguen and Deon Filmer
May 2019

Sharon Wolf, J. Lawrence Aber, Jere R. Behrman and Morgan Peele
Developmental Science
April 2019

Natalie Roschnik, Hawa Diarra, Yahia Dicko, Seybou Diarra, Isobel Stanley, Helen Moestue, Judy McClean, Hans Verhoef and Sian E. Clarke
Maternal and Child Nutrition
April 2019

International Journal of Mental Health Systems
K. Peltzer, S. Pengpid
April 2019

Selene S. Lee and Sharon Wolf
Teaching and Teacher Education
February 2019

Current Gerontol Geriatrics Research
S. Pengpid, K. Peltzer, H Susilowati
February 2019

Sharon Wolf and Dana C. McCoy
Developmental Science
January 2019

Pedro Carneiro, Emanuela Galasso and Rita Ginja
The Economic Journal
January 2019

Heather A. Knauer, Pamela Jakiela, Owen Ozier, Frances Aboud and Lia C. H. Fernald


Frederick G. B. Goddard, Maryann G. Delea, Gloria D. Sclar, Mulat Woreta, Kassahun Zewudie and Matthew C. Freeman
Tropical Medicine and International Health
December 2018

Selene S. Lee and Sharon Wolf
Teaching and Teacher Education
November 2018

Peter F. Halpin, Sharon Wolf, Hirokazu Yoshikawa, Natalia Rojas, Sarah Kabay, Lauren Pisani and Amy Jo Dowd
Development Psychology
November 2018

Sharon Wolf, J. Lawrence Aber, Jere R. Behrman and Edward Tsinigo
Journal of Research on Educational Effectiveness
October 2018

Maryann G. Delea, Gloria D. Sclar, Mulat Woreta, Regine Haard?rfer, Corey L. Nagel Bethany A. Caruso, Robert Dreibelbis, Abebe G. Gobezayehu, Thomas F. Clasen and Matthew C. Freeman
International Journal Environmental Research and Public Health
September 2018

Martina Bj?rkman Nyqvist, Lucia Corno, Damien de Walque and Jakob Svensson
American Economic Journal: Economic Policy
July 2018

Alison Andrew, Orazio Attanasio, Emla Fitzsimons, Sally Grantham-McGregor, Costas Meghir and Marta Rubio-Codina
PLOS Medicine
April 2018

Phuong Hong Nguyen, Jed Friedman, Mohini Kak, Purnima Menon and Harold Alderman
Maternal and Child Nutrition
April 2018

Adrien Bouguen, Deon Filmer, Karen Macours and Sophie Naudeau
The Journal of Human Resources
March 2018

National Library of Medicine
Sumadi L. Anwar, Gindo Tampubolon, Mieke Van Hemelrijck, Susanna H Hutajulu, Johnathan Watkins, Wahyu Wulaningsih
March 2018

Yoshika Crider, Sonia Sultana, Leanne Unicomb, Jennifer Davis, Stephen P. Luby and Amy J.Pickering
Science of The Total Environment
February 2018

Dana McCoy and Sharon Wolf
Developmental Psychology

Sharon Wolf, Mahjabeen Razab, Sharon Kimb, J. Lawrence Aber, Jere Behrman and Edward Seidman
Early Childhood Research Quarterly

Berk ?zler, Lia C.H. Fernald, Patricia Kariger, Christin McConnell, Michelle Neuman and Eduardo Fraga

Jan E. Cooper, Sandra I. McCoy, Lia C. H. Fernald, Damien de Walque and William H. Dow
AIDS and Behavior


Sarah Kabay, Sharon Wolf and Hirokazu Yoshikawa
International Journal of Educational Development
November 2017

Ashis Das, Jed Friedman and Eeshani Kandpal
Health Economics
June 2017

Sally Anne Brinkman, Amer Hasan, Haeil Jung, Angela Kinnell and Menno Pradhan
Journal of Labor Economics
July 2017

Sharon Wolf and Dana McCoy
Child Development
July 2017

Sally Anne Brinkman, Amer Hasan, Haeil Jung, Angela Kinnell, Nozomi Nakajima and Menno Pradhan
European Early Childhood Education Research Journal
June 2017

David K. Evans, Brian Holtemeyer and Katrina Kosec
World ¶¹ÄÌÊÓƵAPP Economic Review
April 2017

Sunil Bhopal, Deepali Verma, Gauri Divan, Zelee Hill, Jane Barlow, Reetabrata Roy and Betty Kirkwood
The Lancet
February 2017

Martina Bj?rkman Nyqvist, Damien de Walque and Jakob Svensson
American Economic Journal: Applied Economics
January 2017

Zachary Wagner, Erick Gong, Damien de Walque and William H. Dow
AIDS and Behavior


Haeil Jung and Amer Hasan
Journal of Development Effectiveness
September 2016

Ngai-Hang Z. Leung, Ana Chen, Prashant Yadav and J¨¦r¨¦mie Gallien
May 2016

Xiaojie Sun, Xiaoyun Liu, Qiang Sun, Winnie Yip, Adam Wagstaff and Qingyue Meng
Journal of Health Economics
March 2016

Sally Grantham-McGregor and Joanne A. Smith
Journal of Applied Research on Children


Najy Benhassine, Florencia Devoto, Esther Duflo, Pascaline Dupas and Victor Pouliquen
American Economic Journal: Economic Policy
August 2015

Batura N., Hill Z., Haghparast-Bidgoli H., Lingam R., Colbourn T., Kim S., Sikander S., Pulkki-Brannstrom A.M., Rahman A., Kirkwood B. and Skordis-Worrall J.
Health Policy Plan
July 2015

Christopher Blattman and Jeannie Annan
American Political Science Review
June 2015

Sarojini Hirshleifer, David McKenzie, Rita Almeida and Cristobal Ridao-Cano
The Economic Journal
June 2015 

Damien de Walquea, Paul J. Gertler, Sergio Bautista-Arredondo, Ada Kwan, Christel Vermeersch, Jean de Dieu Bizimana, Agn¨¨s Binagwaho and Jeanine Condo
Journal of Health Economics
March 2015

Susan P. Walker, Susan M. Chang, Amika Wright, Clive Osmond and Sally M. Grantham-McGregor
The Journal of Nutrition
February 2015


Ashis Das, Jed Friedman, Eeshani Kandpal, Gandham N V Ramana, Rudra Kumar Das Gupta, Madan M Pradhan and Ramesh Govindaraj
Malaria Journal
December 2014

Benjamin A. Olken, Junko Onishi and Susan Wong
American Economic Journal: Applied Economics
October 2014

Orazio P. Attanasio, Camila Fern¨¢ndez, Emla O. A. Fitzsimons, Sally M. Grantham-McGregor, Costas Meghir and Marta Rubio-Codina
September 2014

Sarah Baird, Erick Gong, Craig McIntosh and Berk ?zler
Journal of Health Economics
September 2014

Christopher Blattman, Nathan Fiala and Sebastian Martinez
Quarterly Journal of Economics
May 2014

Paul Gertler, James Heckman, Rodrigo Pinto, Arianna Zanolini, Christel Vermeersch, Susan Walker, Susan M. Chang and Sally Grantham-McGregor
May 2014

Karen Macours and Renos Vakis
The Economic Journal
May 2014

Michelle J. Neuman, Christin McConnell and Foster Kholowa
International Journal of Early Childhood
February 2014

Katherine E. Halliday, George Okello, Elizabeth L. Turner, Kiambo Njagi, Carlos Mcharo, Juddy Kengo, Elizabeth Allen, Margaret M. Dubeck, Matthew C. H. Jukes and Simon J. Brooker
PLOS Medicine Journal
January 2014

Harounan Kazianga, Damien de Walque and Harold Alderman
Journal of Development Economics
January 2014


Menno Pradhan, Sally A. Brinkman, Amanda Beatty, Amelia Maika, Elan Satriawan, Joppe de Ree and Amer Hasan
August 2013

Lucia Corno and Damien de Walque
June 2013


Richard Akresh, Emilie Bagby, Damien de Walque and Harounan Kazianga
Journal of Economic Development and Cultural Change
October 2012

Paul J. Gertler, Harry Anthony Patrinos and Marta Rubio-Codina
Journal of Development Economics
September 2012

Karen Macours, Norbert Schady and Renos Vakis
American Economic Journal: Applied Economics
April 2012

Harounan Kazianga, Damien de Walque and Harold Alderman
Journal of African Economies
April 2012

Sarah J. Baird, Richard S. Garfein, Craig T. McIntosh and Berk ?zler
The Lancet
February 2012

Paul J. Gertler, Sebastian W. Martinez and Marta Rubio-Codina
American Economic Journal: Applied Economics
January 2012

Claudio Ferraz and Barbara Bruns
Society for Research on Educational Effectiveness


Harsha Thirumurthy, Joshua Graff Zivin and Markus Goldstein
The Journal of Human Resources
December 2011 

Sarah Baird, Craig McIntosh and Berk ?zler
The Quarterly Journal of Economics
October 2011

Esther Duflo, Pascaline Dupas and Michael Kremer
American Economic Review
August 2011

Benard P. Dreyer
May 2011

Susan P. Walker, Susan M. Chang, Marcos Vera-Hern¨¢ndez and Sally Grantham-McGregor
May 2011

Paulin Basinga, Paul J. Gertler, Agnes Binagwaho, Agnes L. B. Soucat, Jennifer Sturdy and Christel M. J. Vermeersch
The Lancet
April 2011 

Karthik Muralidharan and Venkatesh Sundararaman
Journal of Political Economy
February 2011


Caroline W. Gitonga, Peris N. Karanja, Jimmy Kihara, Mariam Mwanje, Elizabeth Juma, Robert W. Snow, Abdisalan M. Noor and Simon Brooker
Malaria Journal
October 2010

Simon Brooker, George Okello, Kiambo Njagi, Margaret M. Dubeck, Katherine E. Halliday, Hellen Inyega, and Matthew C.H. Jukes
October 2010

Karthik Muralidharan and Venkatesh Sundararaman
The Economic Journal
August 2010


Subhrendu K. Pattanayak, Christine Poulos, Jui-Chen Yang, Sumeet R. Patil and Kelly J. Wendland
Journal of Water and Health
September 2009


Sarah L. Barber and Paul J. Gertler
Journal of Tropical Medicine and International Health
October 2008

Si?n E. Clarke, Matthew C. H. Jukes, J. Kiambo Njagi, Lincoln Khasakhala, Bonnie Cundill, Julius Otido, Christopher Crudder, Benson B A Estambale and Simon Brooker
The Lancet
July 2008

Lia C. H. Fernald, Paul J. Gertler, and Lynnette M Neufeld
The Lancet
March 2008

