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BRIEF October 15, 2019

Myanmar Strategic Partnership


The Myanmar Strategic Partnership Program consists of two trust funds: (1) the Myanmar Partnership Multi-Donor Trust Fund, established in 2014 to support Myanmar¡¯s National Development Plan and enhance cooperation between the World ¶¹ÄÌÊÓƵAPP Group and MDTF donors; and (2) the Myanmar European Union Single-Donor Trust Fund, established in April 2019 to support the Myanmar Sustainable Development Plan in focal areas of the European Union and the World ¶¹ÄÌÊÓƵAPP Group. 

The  seeks to accompany Myanmar through a challenging and complex transition at a time when the global COVID-19 pandemic is creating unprecedented uncertainty and vulnerability. The Country Partnership Framework aims to support implementation of the Myanmar Sustainable Development Plan (2018-2030), targeting engagements that will benefit the poorest and most excluded groups, including those in conflict affected areas.

Partnerships and Shared Goals

The Myanmar Strategic Partnership Program supports the goals of the Country Partnership Framework by funding activities that make the greatest impact on Myanmar¡¯s social and economic well-being. 

The Myanmar Strategic Partnership Program is aligned with the first two focus areas of the Country Partnership Framework:

Focus Area 1: Building human capital and fostering peaceful communities that target improving inclusive access to quality services and community-level infrastructure

These investments are intended to help protect and build human capital and create community environments that foster well-being and reduce inequities that sometimes lead to conflict. They also intend to promote social cohesion from the bottom-up by reinforcing mechanisms that enhance community participation in local development and by strengthening the capacity of subnational governments to respond equitably to the needs and aspirations of local populations.

Myanmar Strategic Partnership Program has two thematic windows that support this focus area: 

  • Inclusive Social Services Window expands inclusive access to, and quality of, basic social services and community-level infrastructure through operations that support both nationwide programs for systems building and geographically targeted interventions as well as pandemic preparedness and response. This action aligns with Objective 1.1 and 1.2 of the Country Partnership Framework. 

  • Local Governance Window empowers subnational public institutions to better coordinate with union government institutions and ensure that public services are delivered more effectively and responsively to local populations. This action aligns with Objective 1.3 of the Country Partnership Framework. 

Focus Area 2: Fostering responsible private sector-led growth and inclusive economic opportunities

This focus area supports efforts to sustain and deepen inclusive growth by (a) building capabilities within the public sector to stabilize and stimulate sustainable economic growth while creating an open and competitive environment that attracts responsible private sector operators; (b) connecting people and firms to services (infrastructure, technology, energy, financial services) and markets; and (c) promoting selected drivers of growth (agriculture and, progressively, tourism) to create more and better jobs and increase income generation as part of an inclusive economic growth model.

Myanmar Strategic Partnership Program has two thematic windows that support this focus area: 

  • Public Sector and Financial Management Window strengthens institutional capabilities for macroeconomic, public, and financial sector management. This action aligns with Objective 2.1 of the Country Partnership Framework. 

  • Private Sector and Trade Window improves the environment for responsible business and facilitate trade. This action aligns with Objective 2.2 of the Country Partnership Framework. 

Cross-cutting Themes 

The cross-cutting theme of the Country Partnership Framework is to promote social inclusion, including in conflict-affected areas, in the focus areas of engagement.  In the Myanmar Strategic Partnership Program, particular attention is given to building measurable results into social inclusion as well as promoting gender equality across the Program.

Partner¡¯s Priority Programs 

Each partner in the Myanmar Strategic Partnership Program has specified its priority areas: 

  • Australian Government Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade priorities include the Decentralizing Funding to Schools Project under the Inclusive Social Services Window, activities (excluding the Financial Sector Development) under the Public Sector and Financial Management Window, and all activities in the Private Sector and Trade Window. 

  • United Kingdom Foreign Commonwealth and Development Office priorities include the National Community-Driven Development Project under the Inclusive Social Services Window, and activities under the Public Sector and Financial Management Window and the Private Sector and Trade Window. 

  • Denmark¡¯s priorities include the Decentralizing Funding to Schools Project under the Inclusive Social Services Window, and the Modernization of PFM Project and the Public Administration Performance activities under the Public Sector and Financial Management Window. 

  • Finland supports the Decentralizing Funding to Schools Project under the Inclusive Social Services Window. 

  • The European Union finances the Inclusive Access and Quality Education under the Inclusive Social Services Window as well as the Macroeconomic and Fiscal Technical Assistance and the Core Public Sector Accounting Reform under the Public Sector and Financial Management Window.