Land Conference 2017
Land and Poverty Conference 2017: Responsible Land Governance¡ªTowards an Evidence-Based Approach
March 20-24, 2017Washington, DC

Welcome to the 18th Annual World ¶¹ÄÌÊÓƵAPP Conference on Land and Poverty, the premier global forum on land governance.

The Land and Poverty conference will present the latest research and practice on the diversity of reforms, interventions, and innovations in the land sector around the world. The 2017 conference theme will be: Responsible Land Governance: Towards an Evidence-Based Approach. The focus is on the role of data and evidence for realizing land policy reform, identify strategies for working at scale and monitoring achievements.

The conference has become one of the largest international events on land governance, attracting over 1,200 participants from governments, academics, civil society, and the private sector. Please view the 2016 World ¶¹ÄÌÊÓƵAPP Land and Poverty Conference.  

2017 Conference structure (see )

  • March 20: Pre-conference workshop and official opening at 4:30 p.m.
  • March 21, 22 and 23: Parallel thematic tracks with oral presentations and policy round table discussions. Final session will be followed by a reception on March 23.
  • March 23: "Lightning Talks" and demonstrations on geospatial data and technology solutions for land governance challenges  (please ).
  • March 24: Learning Day with presentations of tools, instruments and approaches via MasterClasses, workshops and field visits (please ).
  • Exhibition booths: All week in World ¶¹ÄÌÊÓƵAPP Atrium (please contact the conference organizers on availability and conditions). 

Land Conference 2017 Outline

2017 Conference themes

  1. Research on land governance and rigorous impact evaluations
    • Academic research on governance of land and natural resource tenure systems and institutions
    • Impact on sustainable development and equity
    • Results of rigorous impact evaluations of ¡°land interventions¡± using counterfactual; methodological considerations.
  2. Delivering land administration services at scale
    • Cost effective and fast expansion of coverage
    • Reliability, transparency and monitoring performance
    • Linking land information systems to tax, courts, land use and financial institutions
    • Business models for service delivery
    • Addressing capacity gaps, fit-for-purpose
  3. Harnessing geospatial data, cloud platforms, and other data technologies
    • Policy application automated data analysis
    • Combining administrative data, statistics and geospatial data
    • Open data and open source
    • Spatial data infrastructure and data access
    • Standards and interoperability, block chains, UAVs (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle), mobile phones and participatory mapping
  4. Land and urbanization
    • Tenure dimension of competitive cities and agglomeration
    • Land pooling and land readjustment
    • Tenure regularization, valuation and taxation
    • land value capture, PPP (Public Private Partnerships) and benefit sharing
  5. Land for infrastructure, investment, disaster risk reduction
    • Eminent domain, expropriation and compensation
    • Safeguards, mediation and grievances
    • Legacy issues, guidelines for responsible large-scale and land-based investments
    • ESG (Environmental Social Governance), standards, commodity round tables and (territorial) Certification
    • Benefit sharing, inclusive business models and monitoring compliance
  6. Securing land rights for equity, sustainability, and resilience
    • Institutions for managing the commons and customary land, forests and natural resources
    • Pastoralism, gender, youth
    • Indigenous peoples¡¯ tenure systems
    • Combatting climate change

 Monday, March 20, 2017

8:30¨C9:30²¹³¾ Using Spatial Data for Land Administration
9:30¨C10:45²¹³¾ Acquiring and using Land Data in Innovative Ways
4:30¨C6:00±è³¾ Opening Session

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

8:30¨C10:00±è³¾ Political and Economic Challenges of Land Policy Reform
10:30¨C12:00±è³¾ Addressing Land Rights Risks in Value Chains
10:30¨C12:00±è³¾ Private Sector Business Models in Land Administration
2:15¨C3:45±è³¾ Localizing Real Rights: How to Link Registry and Cadaster?
2:15¨C3:45±è³¾ Expanding African Capacity for Land Governance
4:00¨C5:30±è³¾ Acting to Secure Community and Indigenous Land Rights

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

8:30¨C10:00²¹³¾ Forest Tenure Reform Implementation: What have we Learned?
2:15¨C3:45±è³¾ Will Blockchain Technology Revolutionize Land Administration?
4:00¨C5:30±è³¾ Urban Expansion: Measurement Challenges and Implications for Policy
4:00¨C5:30±è³¾ Using Land Policy for Sustainable Value Chains: the case of Brazil
10:30²¹³¾¨C12:00±è³¾ Is there Scope for Inclusive Agribusiness Models?

Thursday, March 23, 2017

8:30¨C10:00²¹³¾ Doing Business: Quality of Land Administration
  Innovation Fair: Analyzing Land Data & Data Processing Part 1
  Innovation Fair: Analyzing Land Data & Data Processing Part 2
1:00¨C2:30±è³¾ Migration and Land Tenure Dynamics
1:00¨C2:30±è³¾ Progress with Responsible Investment Pledges
2:45¨C4:15±è³¾ Potential and Limits of VGI
4:45¨C5:30±è³¾ Award Ceremony ¡°Greatest Improvement Quality Land Administration¡±: Punjab Land Record Authority

Our 2017 Sponsors

For sponsorship opportunities, .

Gold Sponsors

Land Conference 2017 Gold Sponsors


Silver Sponsors

MAE Logo

Bronze Sponsors

Land Conference 2017 Bronz-sponsors


Conference Details


Conference photos taken by Emily Feder during conference days.


Klaus Deininger

Lead Economist