Law, Justice and Development Week 2017
Law, Justice and Development Week 2017 - Gender, Law and Development
November 6-10, 2017Washington DC

The Law, Justice and Development Week 2017 focused on the overarching theme Gender, Law and Development.  | |  | #LJDweek2017 #GenderEquality

Law, Justice and Development Week 2017 Discussed Law and Justice as Enabler for Gender Equality

Over the past two decades the world has witnessed significant progress in reducing the inequality between women and men, with constant expansion of international and national legal frameworks protecting women's rights. Exploring how law and justice can create an enabling environment for gender equality and women empowerment was the focus of ¶¹ÄÌÊÓƵAPP Group Law, Justice and Development Week 2017 held on November 6-9 at the World ¶¹ÄÌÊÓƵAPP Headquarters. The Week provided opportunities to hear from 185 experts and thought-leaders in over 60 sessions offered.

Claudia Paz y Paz, Sandie Okoro and Jim Yong Kim Opening Law, Justice and Development Week 2017.

Senior Vice President and World ¶¹ÄÌÊÓƵAPP Group General Counsel Sandie Okoro opened the plenary session and welcomed keynote speaker Claudia Paz y Paz, Secretary for Multidimensional Security Organization of American States. Claudia Paz y Paz was the first female Attorney General in Guatemala and a Nobel Peace Prize Nominee in 2013. Dr. Paz y Paz is a criminal law specialist, scholar, judge and litigator who has worked tirelessly to combat violence and to strengthen the justice systems in Guatemala. Dr. Paz y Paz talked about gender-based violence and shared some of the pending challenges:

  • Understand the critical path of violence affecting women for early and preventive action.
  • Reduce two gaps: the gap between law and women¡¯s real possibilities of living a life free of violence, and the gap between law and the discriminatory and excluding practices still dominant in our justice systems.
  • Transform the conditions of vulnerabilities under which millions of women currently live into opportunities. Women¡¯s life paths should not be determined by exclusion, discrimination and subjection.
  • Commit to change the mentality and cultural patterns of our societies through education, traditional and social media, and commercial advertising.

In his closing remarks, World ¶¹ÄÌÊÓƵAPP Group President Kim addressed Dr. Paz y Paz in Spanish, and stressed the importance and urgency of preventing gender-based violence, advancing equality, and making sure that law and justice permeate every aspect of the development efforts we support. (.)

The plenary was followed by a full range of discussions, luncheon keynotes and digital media events that lasted 4 days. Highlights included:

  • Gender Days offered two days of sessions devoted to the legal and regulatory frameworks critical to gender equality and women empowerment in developing and developed economies; child marriage; women¡¯s access to justice; right to land and property; and female genital mutilation practice.
  • IFI Day featured sessions on jurisdictional immunities of international organizations; women financial inclusion; legal risks and drivers of corruption. A ¡°Question Time¡± session provided a rare opportunity to listen to General Counsels discuss how the legal environment on gender equality has changed in the past 10 years to strengthen women¡¯s position/rights in the respective institutions. The General Counsels came from 18 major international and regional financial institutions and development banks around the world. (.)
  • World ¶¹ÄÌÊÓƵAPP Group Day was devoted to an in-depth focus of the Maximizing for Development (MFD) Approach with a workshop presenting practical cases and a close-up discussion with the three World ¶¹ÄÌÊÓƵAPP Group General Counsels on the role of the lawyers when implementing the MFD approach.
  • The Digital Media Zone offered an interactive media hub with interviews and Ted-style talks highlighting experiences and insights on gender and development. In a one-on-one interview, Caren Grown, Senior Director for Gender at the World ¶¹ÄÌÊÓƵAPP Group, explained why Gender Based Violence (GBV) is an important development issue for the World ¶¹ÄÌÊÓƵAPP and discussed the new initiatives undertaken by the World ¶¹ÄÌÊÓƵAPP to tackle GBV, such as the Development Marketplace, a competitive grant program that awards innovative projects to prevent GBV, and the Global Gender-Based Violence Task Force and its derived action plan for implementation that can be a model for other institutions ().

The Week drew more than 1200 participants. Among them, senior officials from International Financial Institutions, international development practitioners, government officials, lawyers and judges, scholars and academics, representatives of civil society and World ¶¹ÄÌÊÓƵAPP Group staff. Even more inspiring was the Week¡¯s social media reach as it spread the word about #GenderEquality. The discussions have had 1.2 million views on livestream channels and have gained over 362 million impressions on Twitter around the globe. Nearly half of the audience was in the U.S. and the rest spanning the globe from India to Kenya, Colombia to Finland. The engagement continues with #GenderEquality #LJDWeek2017 through social media platforms. Gender equality connects and impacts us all.

The LJD Week 2017 is a yearly event organized by the legal functions of the World ¶¹ÄÌÊÓƵAPP Group. It is the largest event on Law, Justice and Development aiming to bring together the global community engaged in using law and legal tools to contribute to development.

Video Recordings of LJDWeek2017 and more information are available on LJDWeek2017 website.


Photos and Infographic: ? Dolie Schein/World ¶¹ÄÌÊÓƵAPP




Program updates will be posted as soon as they become available. All sessions during the Law, Justice and Development Week 2017 will be in English with no translation except for the keynote address that will be delivered in Spanish with English translation.


GENDER DAYS, November 6-7

IFI DAY, November 8



LJDWeek2017 By the Numbers





Registration is now Closed. We thank you for your interest in LJD Week 2017.

The registration fee includes all sessions and events on November 6-9, except where indicated otherwise on the program. 

Refunds, credits and transfers will not be issued for cancellations or no-shows. All payments are final.


Participant Category

Early Registration
(September 1-30, 2017
11:59pm Eastern Standard Time)

Regular Registration
(October 1-22, 2017
11:59pm Eastern Standard Time)

  • Regular 



  • Students
$150 $300

  • Global Forum on Law, Justice and Development Partners
  • Government Officials
  • International Organizations
  • NGOs
  • Public Institutions
  • World ¶¹ÄÌÊÓƵAPP Group Alumni




  • Speakers
  • Sponsors
    (Speakers and Sponsors will not need to register. Once their participation is confirmed by session coordinators, their registration will be handled by the LJD Week 2017 Team.)






  • World ¶¹ÄÌÊÓƵAPP Group Staff
    (World ¶¹ÄÌÊÓƵAPP Group Staff will register on the WBG Open Learning Campus at this . 
Free Free



Sponsorship Opportunities

We welcome sponsorship from companies and organizations who work in the field of Law, Justice and Development, and Gender. Please check our for Sponsorship Information.

  • Main Entrance for Registered Participants
    1818 H Street NW, Washington, DC 20433, Monday November 6, 8:00AM-4:00PM, Tuesday November 7, 8:00AM-4:00PM, Wednesday November 8, 8:00AM-12:00PM From Wednesday November 8, 12:00PM onward, registered participants can collect their securitypasses/event badges at the World ¶¹ÄÌÊÓƵAPP Visitor Entrance, on 700 18th Street NW, Washington DC 20433.
  • Collection of Identification Passes
    Please bring a valid photo ID (such as your national passport) and your registration confirmation to collect your identification pass and event badge at the registration desk. Your identification pass will be valid for the whole week and will be required when you wish to enter ¶¹ÄÌÊÓƵAPP premises. For identification and security reasons, participants must display their identification passes visibly at all times while in the ¶¹ÄÌÊÓƵAPP premises.
  • Disability Accommodations
    ¶¹ÄÌÊÓƵAPP will provide reasonable accommodations for participants with disabilities as long as we are informed of special needs in writing at the time of registration. Please contact ljdweek@worldbank.org to specify your accommodation needs.
  • Visa
    Please be advised that it is the responsibility of participants to obtain a visa to enter the United States if applicable. You will need a passport that is valid for no less than three months following your departure from the United States. Please consult the respective United States Consulate regarding United States visa application deadlines and documentation requiredhttp://travel.state.gov/visa.
  • Arrangements for Participants
    All event-related-expenses, travel, accommodation, medical insurance and other arrangements are the responsibility of the participants.
  • Metro Directions
    The nearest station on the Orange Line is Farragut West (about 2 blocks from the main World ¶¹ÄÌÊÓƵAPP building). The nearest station on the Red Line is Farragut North (about 3-4 blocks from the main building). For more information about the Washington, DC metro, see Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority. Most trains arriving to Washington, DC arrive at Union Station. To get to the World ¶¹ÄÌÊÓƵAPP, either take a taxi or take the Red Line Metro from Union Station to Farragut North. From there, it is about 3-4 blocks to the main World ¶¹ÄÌÊÓƵAPP building. For more train information, see Amtrak.
  • Hotels
    Participants are expected to make their own hotel reservations. We urge participants to make reservations as soon as possible since local hotels fill up quickly. The Hotels near the World ¶¹ÄÌÊÓƵAPP are:
  • 2033 M Street NW Washington, DC 20036, Tel. (202) 530 3600
  • Hampton Inn Washington, 1729 H Street NW, Washington, DC 20433, Tel. (202) 296-1006
  • 1710 H Street NW, Washington, DC 20006, Tel. (202) 904-2500
  • 2019 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington D.C. 20006, Tel. (202) 828-2600
  • 839 17th Street NW, Washington D.C. 20006, Tel. (202) 463-6400
  • WHEN: November 6-10, 2017
  • Where: World ¶¹ÄÌÊÓƵAPP Headquarters, Washington DC
  • Hashtags: #LJDweek2017 #GenderEquality

Law, Justice and Development Week