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Third Annual UHC Financing Forum: Greater Equity for Better Health and Financial Protection

April 19-20, 2018

Washington Hilton, Washington, DC


This event has concluded. We will have links to plenary sessions shortly.

¶¹ÄÌÊÓƵAPP Group and USAID hosted the Third Annual Universal Health Coverage (UHC) Financing Forum from April 19-20, 2018, in advance of the World ¶¹ÄÌÊÓƵAPP Group¡¯s Spring Meetings at the .

The Forum focused on mobilizing and shaping health financing to achieve equity and access to health services. This two-day event builds on previous Forum discussions, which looked at  and strategic policies and practical interventions to help governments use .

Please see the  for more information. 





  • The event has concluded. Video links for webcast will be available shortly.

    The Third UHC Financing Forum featured , which took place prior to the forum on April 18, 2018. 

    For more information about the 2018 Annual UHC Financing Forum please contact the coordination team at UHCFinancingForum@worldbank.org.

  •  [pdf]


    8:30 ¨C 10:00: SATELLITE SESSIONS 1 & 2

    • Columbia 8: What makes a good case for investing budget allocations for health?
    • Columbia 6: How to use health insurance claims data for better decision making?

    10:30 ¨C 12:00: SATELLITE SESSIONS 3 & 4

    • Columbia 8: Donors decide but countries deliver: How can development assistance support equity and UHC?
    • Columbia 6: Taxing Tobacco for Health, Domestic Resource Mobilization, and Equity

    10:45 ¨C 12:15 EXTRA SESSION AT THE PALOMAR HOTEL-NOTE: this event is not at Hilton

    • National Ballroom: Public financial management in health: how can planning and budgeting support health sector objectives

    12:30 ¨C 14:00: SATELLITE SESSIONS 5 & 6

    • Columbia 8: Taking financial protection home ¨C fad or future?
    • Columbia 6: What do health workers have to do with it? HRH considerations for advancing equitable health financing

    14:30 ¨C 16:00: SATELLITE SESSIONS 7 & 8

    • Columbia 8: Progressive paths to going universal: A synthesis of lessons from 40 country case studies in LICs, LMICs and HICs
    • Columbia 6: The Future of Financing UHC

    16:30 ¨C 18:00: SATELLITE SESSIONS 9 & 10

    • Columbia 8: Financing global health and the future of Universal Health Coverage
    • Columbia 6: Reducing national expenditures while increasing equitable access to healthcare using managed equipment service frameworks

    18:30 ¨C 20:00: SATELLITE SESSIONS 11 & 12

    • Columbia 8: On the path to Universal Health Coverage: boosting the demographic transition by attaining sustainable financing for family planning
    • Columbia 6: Activity based Budgeting versus program based budgeting: Which is better for the health sector?

    draft agenda [pdf]

    draft agenda [pdf]


    7:30: Registration opens / Breakfast

    8:30 ¨C 9:15:

    9:15 ¨C 10:30: PLENARY SESSION 1

    • Columbia Main: ?
    • [PDF]

    10:30 ¨C 11:00: Coffee / Tea break

    11:00 ¨C 12:15: PLENARY SESSION 2 

    • Columbia Main:
    • [PDF]

    12:15 ¨C 12:45: PLENARY ADDRESS

    • Columbia Main: 

    12:45 ¨C 14:00: LUNCH

    14:00 ¨C 15:30 BREAKOUT SESSION 1

    • Columbia Main:
    • Columbia 3-4: Providing health care to refugee populations: How to pay the bill?
    • Columbia 9-10: Novel approaches to including equity on health financing in Indonesia
    • Columbia 11-12: Achieving good health for all through purchasing: practical tools for countries by countries of the Joint Learning Network for UHC

    15:30 ¨C 16:00: Coffee/Tea Break

    16:00 ¨C 17:30 BREAKOUT SESSION 2

    • Columbia 3-4:
    • Columbia Main: A bitter pill: addressing health commodity purchasing as a driver of inefficiency and inequality
    • Columbia 9-10: What you can¡¯t measure, you can¡¯t change: Data analytics to support equity, what¡¯s new?
    • Columbia 11-12: (Un)intentional institutionalization of out-of-pocket payments: What to do when provider payment arrangements undermine equity objectives?
    • Columbia 2: Is Performance-based Financing Equity Enhancing? Evidence from World ¶¹ÄÌÊÓƵAPP Impact Evaluations

    17:30 ¨C 19:00: Columbia West: RECEPTION


    7:30 ¨C 8:30: Breakfast

    8:30 ¨C 9:45: PLENARY SESSION 3

    • Columbia Main: 
    • [PDF]

    9:45 ¨C 10:30: Columbia Main:

    10:30 ¨C 11:00: Coffee/Tea break

    11:00 ¨C 12:30 BREAKOUT SESSION 3

    12:30 ¨C 13:30: LUNCH

    13:30 ¨C 14:45: PLENARY SESSION 4

    • Columbia Main:
    • [PDF]

    14:45 ¨C 15:15: Technical summary and wrap-up

    15:15 ¨C 16:00: Coffee/Tea break and travel to World ¶¹ÄÌÊÓƵAPP Main Campus Building

    16:00 ¨C 17:30: FLAGSHIP EVENT

    • World ¶¹ÄÌÊÓƵAPP Main Campus Building 1818 H Street NW: Wolfensohn Atrium:

    17:30 ¨C 18:30: RECEPTION: World ¶¹ÄÌÊÓƵAPP Main Campus Building: Wolfensohn Atrium

  • ?           Africa Health Budget Network

    ?           Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation

    ?           Center for Global Development

    ?           Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance

    ?           Ghana - National Health Insurance Authority

    ?           Global Financing Facility

    ?           Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria

    ?           Government of Kenya

    ?           International Monetary Fund

    ?           Japan International Cooperation Agency

    ?           London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine

    ?           Mexico ¨C Funsalud

    ?           Ministry of Health, Indonesia

    ?           National Chilean Public Health Insurance Agency (FONASA)

    ?           Nigeria ¨C Federal Ministry of Health

    ?           Norwegian Institute of Public Health

    ?           Save the Children, UK

    ?           United States Agency for International Development (USAID)

    ?           World ¶¹ÄÌÊÓƵAPP Group

    ?           World Health Organization (WHO)

  •  [PDF]







