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Law, Justice and Development Week 2019 - Rights, Technology and Development

November 4-7, 2019

Washington DC



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    The Law, Justice and Development (LJD) Week 2019 will focus on the overarching theme of Rights, Technology and Development with the following objectives:

    • Discuss the intersection of human rights and technologies.
    • Explore the legal response to the impact on development challenges posed by disruptive technologies.
    • Examine how technology in fragile contexts affects development outcomes with a focus on vulnerable groups.
    • Observe the legal and ethical implications of new technologies and economic development.
    • Analyze the impact of technology on the practice of law.
    • Study ways to incorporate technology into the administration of justice.

    Missed LJD Week 2019? Watch the replays here





  • is now open.  

    The registration fee includes all sessions and events on November 4-7, except where indicated otherwise on the program. Registration to attend only one day is not available.

    Refunds, credits and transfers will not be issued for cancellations or no-shows. All payments are final.

    All sessions during the Law, Justice and Development Week 2019 will be in English. If any translation is scheduled, we will provide information on this site.  

    FREE REGISTRATION is offered to participants belonging to the following categories. Please do not register on this site.

    • Coordinators (if confirmed for LJD Week 2019 sessions/panels)
       (if confirmed for LJD Week 2019 sessions/panels)
    • Panelists (if confirmed for LJD Week 2019 sessions/panels)
    • Speakers (if confirmed for LJD Week 2019 sessions/panels)
    • IMF Staff (Register with IMF email address @imf.org)
    • World ¶¹ÄÌÊÓƵAPP Group Staff (Register in )

    For GFLJD Partners, Students and othe participants, please find the registration fees below.

    Participant Category


    July 1-September 15, 2019


    September 16-October 27, 2019


    November 4-7, 2019

    Regular Participants




    GFLJD Members$200$400$600

    must register from a desktop computer and upload a copy of their student IDs.





    Last Updated: Jul 01, 2019


    Submission Deadline: June 30, 2019, 11:59 PM ET


    The is pleased to solicit proposals for the , to be held on November 4-7, 2019, at the World ¶¹ÄÌÊÓƵAPP Headquarters in Washington D.C.

    We are looking for innovative sessions with world-class speakers and materials aimed at exploring the theme of Rights, Technology and Development. Our goal is to create a program that demonstrates value and impact, focusing on the following objectives: 

    • Discuss the intersection of human rights and technologies.
    • Explore the legal response to the impact on development challenges posed by disruptive technologies.
    • Examine how technology in fragile contexts affects development outcomes with a focus on vulnerable groups.
    • Observe the legal and ethical implications of new technologies and economic development.
    • Analyze the impact of technology on the practice of law.
    • Study ways to incorporate technology into the administration of justice.

    Submission Deadline

    June 30, 2019 11:59PM ET.

    Who Can Submit Proposals?

    You. Please read the selection criteria below. All event-related expenses, travel and accommodation are the responsibility of the speakers and participants.

    Selection Criteria

    Each proposal will be evaluated on the degree to which they meet the following criteria:

    1. Relevance to the theme of Rights, Technology and Development in the legal context.
    2. Potential impact for developing countries. 
    3. Innovative, research-based and cutting-edge ideas covered.
    4. Expected outcomes.
    5. Clarity of content presentation.

    Submission Questions

    You will need to open an account to submit your proposal.

    The submission includes the following questions:

    Author's Details (and Co-Authors if applicable)

    • First Name
    • Last Name
    • Email Address
    • Organization
    • Job Title

    Submission Details

    • Session Title (clearly capturing the session intent. 80 characters max.)
    • Session Description (1,000 characters max.)
    • How does this session contribute to a deeper understanding of Rights, Technology and Development in the legal context? (300 characters max.)
    • What is the potential impact for developing countries? (300 characters max.)
    • What are the innovative, research-based and cutting-edge ideas that will be covered in this session?  (300 characters max.)
    • What outcomes do you expect from this session? (300 characters max. Bullets preferred) 
    • What is the Primary Theme? (Select from Rights; Technology; Development; Legal Operations)
    • What are the issues covered ? (Select max. 3 from the list of issues below)
    • Session Format (Select from the list of formats below)
    • Proposed Speaker(s). Include name, title, organization and if speaker(s) is/are confirmed. (All event-related expenses, travel and accommodation are the responsibility of the speakers.)

      You will be able to review your submission before submitting. 


    Global Development Context

    Much of the innovation driving the Fourth Industrial Revolution is powered by disruptive technologies.  Disruptive technologies cover a plethora of technologies and applications which include (but are not limited to) artificial intelligence, geospatial technology, nano-technology, drones, cloud computing, the Internet of Things, distributed ledger technologies, including cryptocurrencies and smart contracts, FinTech, and RegTech.  While leaders in innovation generally come from the private sector, governments can deploy technologies to increase their own efficiency, transparency, and accessibility.  Government uses of technology to deliver services include land registry, voting, identification, healthcare, company registration, taxation, by port authorities and for supply chain traceability amongst others.  These disruptive technologies and innovative applications challenge traditional legal frameworks which are often unable to adjust quickly enough to technological innovations, territorial disconnection, and increased speed and mobility of goods, services, money, people and data.  This year¡¯s Law, Justice and Development week will be devoted to exploring the different legal aspects of these technologies in the global development context.  

    World ¶¹ÄÌÊÓƵAPP Group Context

    Disruptive technologies result in a step change in the access to products and services, and dramatically alter how the economies gather information, make products, and interact. They can accelerate progress toward the World ¶¹ÄÌÊÓƵAPP Group (WBG) twin goals and the SDGs, but they also pose risks such as rising inequality, job loss, exclusion, data privacy, security, and increased a loss of societal trust. The WBG aims to harness these disruptive technologies in its work through building the infrastructure and regulatory foundations for technology-enabled economies; boosting the capacity of people, firms, and institutions in developing economies to thrive in times of change; and brokering partnerships that harness disruptive technology, data, and expertise to solve development challenges (the Build-Boost-Broker approach).

    The WBG has endorsed five corporate priorities in this regard:

    1. Using country diagnostics (to help countries maximize the opportunities and mitigate the risks posed by disruptive technologies). 
    2. Exploring the application of agile regulations (to promote innovation and mobilize the private sector while addressing risks associated with technological disruptions of sectors and markets).
    3. Promoting universal and affordable connectivity as a catalyst for this agenda.
    4. Promoting the provision of transparent, efficient, and accountable digital government services through a new GovTech initiative.
    5. Supporting investment in human capital to develop skills and capabilities for the new economy.  Sectoral and regional programs, such as the Digital Economy for Africa Moonshot, will enable the WBG to focus on interventions that draw on its comparative advantages, address binding constraints, and have the greatest impact on achieving the twin goals. 

    Accordingly, in this global and institutional context, LJD Week 2019 seeks to explore both the legal response to the impact on development challenges posed by disruptive technologies, including areas of facilitation of or tensions with rights and development solutions, as well as how law and the legal community can anticipate and proactively and positively shape positively shape this evolving agenda.

    LJD Week 2019 will be divided into two broad areas with sub-themes. First, we will analyze what the impact of technological innovations will have from both a legal, ethical and developmental perspective.  Second, we will have a smaller theme on the impact these technologies are having on the actual practice of law (i.e. legal operations).


    Organization of Sessions around ¡°Rights¡± Issues

    • Access to Justice
    • Collective/Group rights and Human/Individual rights
    • Cybersecurity 
    • Data Governance (ownership, sovereignty, privacy, bias/discrimination, safety) 
    • Digital Property Rights
    • Free Prior Informed Consent
    • Gender
    • Identity
    • Jobs/Labor/Future of Work
    • Privacy
    • Shifting allocation of rights/responsibilities between public and private

    Organization of Sessions around ¡°Technology¡± Issues

    • Artificial Intelligence
    • Biometrics
    • Blockchain, including cryptocurrencies and smart contracts
    • Digital Twin 
    • Digital Divide
    • Drones
    • Internet of Things
    • Nanotechnology
    • Open Source
    • Telemedicine
    • Virtual/Augmented Reality

    Organization of Sessions around ¡°Development¡± Issues

    • Access/Inclusion
    • Agritech/Precision Agriculture
    • Climate
    • Data valuation (including tax)
    • Entrepreneurship
    • FCV
    • Fintech
    • Gender Equity
    • Govtech
    • Human Capital 
    • Infrastructure Investment and Risk of Stranded Assets Development Finance and Dual Use Technologies
    • Judicial Systems
    • Land
    • Market Integrity
    • Procurement 
    • Regtech

    Organization of Sessions around ¡°Legal Operations¡± Issues

    • Case Management
    • Contract Management
    • Risk Management
    • E-Signatures
    • Effecting Organizational Change
    • Using AI, data, and analytics in managing a legal department
    • Using AI to pre-screen cases and arguments for judges
    • Use of technology to improve client service
    • Use of technology to facilitate process improvement in service delivery

    Session Formats

    This year¡¯s LJD Week will place enhanced emphasis on shorter and more creative session formats. Sessions will therefore be between 7 and 30 minutes long and can be followed live through social media to further interaction and engagement.

    Panel and Roundtable formats will not be offered as options in the call for proposals. These formats will be reserved for gatherings of development partners and other stakeholders to discuss specific development priorities identified by the LJD Week Team.


    °Â³ó²¹³Ù¡ªPresentation of a well-formed and compelling new idea that challenges existing beliefs. Presentation is under 15 minutes.

    °Â³ó´Ç¡ªOne speaker.

    ¶Ù³Ü°ù²¹³Ù¾±´Ç²Ô¡ª15 minutes followed by Q&A.

    ±á´Ç·É¡ªPresentation format.


    °Â³ó²¹³Ù¡ªPresentation in which the presenter shares creative and innovative ideas, thoughts, etc.

    °Â³ó´Ç¡ªOne speaker at a time. Session includes several consecutive presenters.

    ¶Ù³Ü°ù²¹³Ù¾±´Ç²Ô¡ªCirca 7 minutes.

    ±á´Ç·É¡ªPresentation format where maximum 20 slides are shown for maximum 20 seconds each to keep the talk concise and fast-paced.  Presentation will be timed.


    °Â³ó²¹³Ù¡ªInterview with approximately five questions. Answers are as succinct as possible.

    °Â³ó´Ç¡ªOne speaker and one interviewer.

    ¶Ù³Ü°ù²¹³Ù¾±´Ç²Ô¡ª30 minutes.

    ±á´Ç·É¡ªAn interviewer will pose challenging questions to the speaker. Questions and answers may be prepared in advance.


    °Â³ó²¹³Ù¡ªFast-paced conversation between 2-3 speakers, where different points of view around a common, well identified and explained topic are covered. The conversation is well prepared and appears informal and natural.

    °Â³ó´Ç¡ªTwo (or maximum three) speakers.

    ¶Ù³Ü°ù²¹³Ù¾±´Ç²Ô¡ª30 minutes.

    ±á´Ç·É¡ªTwo speakers sit on armchairs facing each other. The discussion topic is initially presented in three minutes by one of the speakers that will be followed by a back-and-forth between the speakers. Last two minutes are devoted to summary and wrap up.


    °Â³ó²¹³Ù¡ªThe topic is presented by two sides (prosecutor and defendant) that are in disagreement and try to convince the audience (jury) by arguing in favor or against the topic presented at the beginning by the moderator.

    °Â³ó´Ç¡ªTwo speakers and a moderator.

    ¶Ù³Ü°ù²¹³Ù¾±´Ç²Ô¡ª30 minutes.

    ±á´Ç·É¡ªThe topic is introduced by the moderator in the first three minutes. Subsequently, the moderator opens the floor to the two experts, each of whom have three minutes to present their own side/angle. A debate between the two experts follows for 10 minutes. In the end, the audience will vote to decide which argument was more convincing.


    °Â³ó²¹³Ù¡ªQuestions around a common theme are submitted by LJD Week participants and answered by an expert.

    °Â³ó´Ç¡ªOne speaker.

    ¶Ù³Ü°ù²¹³Ù¾±´Ç²Ô¡ª30 minutes.

    ±á´Ç·É¡ªSession will kick off with a short, maximum 5-minute-long presentation and the remainder of the allotted time will be spent answering queries. LJD Week team will solicit questions among LJD Week participants in advance. Questions are submitted and vetted by LJD Week team following submission. Speaker will get the chance in advance to select queries s/he wishes to answer during this session. Answers are as succinct as possible.


    °Â³ó²¹³Ù¡ªGame or quiz with audience.

    °Â³ó´Ç¡ªOne or multiple speakers.

    ¶Ù³Ü°ù²¹³Ù¾±´Ç²Ô¡ª30 minutes.

    ±á´Ç·É¡ªThis format allows for a lot of flexibility around the ¡°how.¡± It can be a quiz for the audience with questions related to a topic or a game with the audience. Speaker(s) will be responsible for providing the solution and explanation after each quiz.

    Guidelines for Authors of Proposals

    Authors are responsible for the design and implementation of their respective sessions. They should organize and execute the logistical requirements for a successful event. 

    Authors will:

    • Identify the topic, speakers/moderators and work to reach a consensus on the content, title and description of the session.
    • Ensure there is diversity and select only top-notch speakers who are recognized as experts in the area they will discuss, when making selection for speakers.
    • Organize conference calls/meetings with speakers/moderators and communications coordinators before the session to define the plan or strategy on how to run the session.
    • Identify communications coordinator to share information about LJD Week session and encourage participation and engagement through different social media platforms and networks, such as blogging, social networking sites, chat rooms and/or discussion board¡ªWhile LJD Week team advertises the overall event, assigned communications coordinators are in charge of advertising their respective sessions using own or organizational social media platforms. Flyer templates and branding will be provided by LJD Week team.


  • Main Entrance for Registered Participants

    1818 H Street NW, Washington, DC 20433.

    Collection of Identification Passes

    Please bring a valid photo ID (such as your national passport) and your registration confirmation to collect your identification pass and event badge at the registration desk. Your identification pass will be valid for the whole week and will be required when you wish to enter ¶¹ÄÌÊÓƵAPP premises. For identification and security reasons, participants must display their identification passes visibly at all times while in the ¶¹ÄÌÊÓƵAPP premises.

    Disability Accommodations

    ¶¹ÄÌÊÓƵAPP will provide reasonable accommodations for participants with disabilities as long as we are informed of special needs in writing at the time of registration. Please contact ljdweek@worldbank.org to specify your accommodation needs.


    Please be advised that it is the responsibility of participants to obtain a visa to enter the United States if applicable. The LJD Week 2019 Organizing Committee will not issue visa invitation letters. Please consult the respective United States Consulate regarding United States visa application deadlines and documentation required at http://travel.state.gov/visa.

    Arrangements for Participants

    All event-related-expenses, travel, accommodation, medical insurance and other arrangements are the responsibility of the participants.

    Metro Directions

    The nearest station on the Orange Line is Farragut West (about 2 blocks from the main World ¶¹ÄÌÊÓƵAPP building). The nearest station on the Red Line is Farragut North (about 3-4 blocks from the main building). For more information about the Washington, DC metro, see Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority. Most trains arriving to Washington, DC arrive at Union Station. To get to the World ¶¹ÄÌÊÓƵAPP, either take a taxi or take the Red Line Metro from Union Station to Farragut North. From there, it is about 3-4 blocks to the main World ¶¹ÄÌÊÓƵAPP building. For more train information, see Amtrak.


    Participants are expected to make their own hotel reservations. We urge participants to make reservations as soon as possible since local hotels fill up quickly. The Hotels near the World ¶¹ÄÌÊÓƵAPP are:

    2033 M Street NW Washington, DC 20036, Tel. (202) 530 3600

    Hampton Inn Washington, 1729 H Street NW, Washington, DC 20433, Tel. (202) 296-1006

    1710 H Street NW, Washington, DC 20006, Tel. (202) 904-2500

    2019 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington D.C. 20006, Tel. (202) 828-2600

    839 17th Street NW, Washington D.C. 20006, Tel. (202) 463-6400


  • WHEN: November 4-7, 2019
  • WHERE: World ¶¹ÄÌÊÓƵAPP Group, Washington DC
  • Contact: ljd@worldbank.org
  • Registration: Ends October 27