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Virtual Technical Deep Dive: Vitalizing Urban Neighborhoods and Space through Transit Oriented Development

March 15-19, 2021

Tokyo, Japan

  • From March 15 to 19, the Tokyo Development Learning Center (TDLC) organized a Technical Deep Dive (TDD) on urban development. The event focused on transit-oriented development (TOD), district-level urban regeneration, and economic development that accelerates the transformation of cities.

    The TDD provided a platform for knowledge exchange and structured learning on key topics related to city planning, urban transport planning, and urban management. TOD that leverages public space and infrastructure assets (including underutilized public land, streets, open spaces, real estate, and public facilities) was discussed. A special focus was given on areas around transit nodes, as well as how neighborhoods are shaped by their public assets, communities, and local economy.

    The TDD featured case studies from Japan and other countries, tapping into their knowledge and experience. Japan¡¯s experience with transit-oriented urban development at the national and local level, for example, presents a significant opportunity for knowledge sharing and collaborative learning. Discussion topics included the use of public space in post-COVID recovery and urban transport in cities after COVID-19. This TDD was conducted in collaboration with the World ¶¹ÄÌÊÓƵAPP¡¯s Urbanscapes Knowledge Silo Breaker (KSB) and .

  • Day 1

    • Welcome & TDD objectives
    • Framing Panel Discussion: Setting the Stage for Neighborhood-Level Development Around TOD Nodes
    • Client Challenge Presentations 1 & 2 
    • Introduction to Action Planning & TDLC Operational Support


    Day 2

    • Mobility and Accessibility to Transit 
    • Japan Case Study 1: Fukuoka
    • TOD Toolkit: Road Safety and Livability
    • Introduction to the Quality Infrastructure Investment (QII) Trust Fund & Disaster Risk Management (DRM) Hub
    • Action Planning


    Day 3

    • Quality and Use of Individual Spaces
    • Japan Case Study 2: Multiple impact of Public Space Regeneration / Data-Driven Neighborhood Regeneration
    • Transformation as a Process, not a Project


    Day 4

    • Livability and Placemaking in a COVID World
    • Japan Case Study 3: The Future of Urban Transport/post-COVID cities ~Insights from Japan~
    • How to Sustainably Finance and Manage Public Realm Improvements
    • Action Planning


    Day 5

    • Action Plan Presentations
    • Next Steps
    • Closing Remarks 


    *Key agenda items only. Agenda is subject to change. 

  • Paul Barter

    Transport Policy Researcher, Reinventing Transport

    Tom Bennett

    Associate Principal, ZGF Architects

    Ryuji Fujimura

    Associate Professor, Tokyo University of the Arts

    Yoshinobu Fukasawa

    Director, Overseas Business Department, Nishi-Nippon Railroad Co., Ltd.

    Annie Gapihan

    Urban Development Specialist, World ¶¹ÄÌÊÓƵAPP

    Helena Goetsch

    Junior Professional Officer, World ¶¹ÄÌÊÓƵAPP

    Chyi-Yun Huang

    Senior Urban Development Specialist, World ¶¹ÄÌÊÓƵAPP

    Haruka Miki-Imoto

    Operations Officer, TDLC, World ¶¹ÄÌÊÓƵAPP

    Olga Kaganova

    Consultant, World ¶¹ÄÌÊÓƵAPP

    Jon Kher Kaw

    Urbanscapes KSB

    Takashi Kurisu

    Pacific Consultants Co., LTD.

    Darwin Marcelo

    Senior Infrastructure Economist, World ¶¹ÄÌÊÓƵAPP

    Jared Mercadante

    Disaster Risk Management Specialist, World ¶¹ÄÌÊÓƵAPP

    Victor Mulas

    Senior Urban Specialist and TDLC Team Lead, TDLC, World ¶¹ÄÌÊÓƵAPP

    Noriaki Nakayama

    Senior Manager of the Business Promotion Group, Tokyu-Line Area Development Headquarters of Tokyu Corporation

    Hiroshi Nishimaki

    Consultant, World ¶¹ÄÌÊÓƵAPP

    Gerald Ollivier

    Lead Transport Specialist, World ¶¹ÄÌÊÓƵAPP

    Shinya Onishi

    Director of Urban Planning Section, Urban Planning Department, Housing & Urban Planning Bureau, Fukuoka City Government

    Scott Page

    Principal, Interface Studio

    Gil Penalosa

    Founder and Chair, 8 80 Cities

    Binyam Reja

    Practice Manager, World ¶¹ÄÌÊÓƵAPP

    Shigeyuki Sakaki

    ToD CoP

    Jessica Schmidt

    Urban Development Specialist, World ¶¹ÄÌÊÓƵAPP

    Hisashi Shibata, Professor

    Faculty of Engineering, Department of Civil Engineering, Fukuoka University

    Koichiro Tamura

    Co-Executive Director, Sotonoba

    Shin Tanabe

    Knowledge Management Analyst, TDLC, World ¶¹ÄÌÊÓƵAPP

    Felipe Targa

    Senior Urban Transport Specialist, World ¶¹ÄÌÊÓƵAPP

    Shoko Tawara

    Knowledge Management Analyst, TDLC, World ¶¹ÄÌÊÓƵAPP

    Vanessa Velasco

    Urban Development Specialist, World ¶¹ÄÌÊÓƵAPP

    Kalpana Viswanath

    Co-Founder & CEO, Safetipin

    Sameh Wahba

    Global Director, World ¶¹ÄÌÊÓƵAPP

    *By alphabetical order. Speakers are subject to change.

  • Day 4 of its virtual Technical Deep Dive, ¡°Vitalizing Urban Neighborhoods and Space through Transit Oriented Development,¡± was open to the public on Thursday, March 18, 2021.

    Day 4 covered topics such as livability and placemaking in a post-COVID world and the future of urban transport, with insights from Japan. Please watch the recorded sessions from the link below.

    Speakers (Day 4)

    • Gil Penalosa, Founder and Chair, 8 80 Cities
    • Ryuji Fujimura, Associate Professor, Tokyo University of the Arts
    • Noriaki Nakayama, Senior Manager, Business Promotion Group, Tokyu-Line Area Development Headquarters, Tokyu Corporation
    • Takashi Kurisu, Pacific Consultants Co., LTD.


    8pm¨C9:30pm, Thursday, March 18, 2021




Event Details

  • Date/Time: Monday, March 15th to Friday, March 19th, 2021
  • Venue: Online
  • Language: English
  • CONTACT: Tokyo Development Learning Center (TDLC) 
  • tdlc@worldbank.org