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Trade and Global Value Chains in Times of Insecurity

May 2-3, 2023
Kuala Lumpur & Online
Cover image for the Trade and Global Value Chains in Times of Insecurity Conference

Event Materials

Recordings of the event can be accessed at the YouTube links below. Papers and presentations can be accessed on the Agenda tab. All times given are in Kualu Lumpur local time, which is EDT +12 hours / UTC +8 hours.

Date | TimeSessionsLink
May 2 | 8:45am-9:00amOpening Remarks      
May 2 | 9:00am-11:00amSession 1: Trade Tensions 
May 2 | 11:30am-12:50pm Session 2: Global Production Networks
May 2 | 2:00pm-4:00pmSession 3: Trade and the Environment 
May 2 | 4:30pm-5:30pmKeynote speech by Amit Khandelwal
May 3 | 8:45am-10:45amSession 4: Automation, Shocks and Concentration
May 3 | 11:15am-12:30pmSession 5: Trends in Investment 
May 3 | 1:30pm-3:30pmSession 6: Sanctions, Export Controls and Dispute Settlement
May 3 | 4:00pm-4:30pmSpecial Address by YB Senator Tengku Datuk Seri Zafrul Tengku Abdul Aziz      
May 3 | 4:30pm-5:30pmPanel Discussion

About the Event

¶¹ÄÌÊÓƵAPP and the Asia School of Business are organizing a conference to explore recent developments in international trade and cross-border economic activity. How are recent exogenous shocks and policy choices in major trading partners affecting global patterns of trade and GVCs? How are firms striking a balance between efficiency and resilience? What is the impact on developing countries? What are the implications for their trade and investment policies? What forms of international cooperation are desirable and feasible? We invite submissions of empirical and theoretical contributions that analyze the above and related questions. Papers relevant to the East Asia and Pacific region are particularly welcome.

Note that all times are listed in Kuala Lumpur local time, which is EDT +12 hours / UTC +8 hours.

Day 1 (Tuesday, 2 May 2023)

8:00 ¨C 8:45 AM

Registration and breakfast

8:45 ¨C 9:00 AM


Welcome Address ¨C Ndiam¨¦ Diop (World ¶¹ÄÌÊÓƵAPP, Country Director for Brunei, Malaysia, Philippines, and Thailand)

Opening remarks ¨C Prof. Dr. Abigail Tay (Asia School of Business, Deputy Dean and Faculty Chair)

9:00 ¨C 11:00 AM

Session 1: Trade Tensions

Celestine Siameh (University of Minnesota): "Brexit, Trade in Intermediates, and Global Value Chains: Beyond the UK and the EU" ( )

Yang Zhou (Fudan University): "The US-China Trade War and Global Value Chains" ( )

Laurent Pauwels (NYU Abu Dhabi): "Empirical Approximation of the Effects of Trade Sanctions with an Application to Russia" ( )

11:00 ¨C 11:30 AM

Coffee / Tea Break

11:30 AM ¨C
12:50 PM

Session 2: Global Production Networks

Nuriye Melisa Bilgin (Bocconi University): "Endogenous Production Networks and Supply Chain Disruptions" ( | )

Piyush Panigrahi (Johns Hopkins University): "Endogenous Spatial Production Networks: Quantitative Implications for Trade and Productivity" ( | )

1:00 ¨C 2:00 PM


2:00 ¨C 4:00 PM





Session 3: Trade and the Environment

Haishi ¡°Harry¡± Li (University of Hong Kong): "We are all in the same boat: Cross-border spillovers of climate shocks through international trade and supply chains" ( )

Oscar Avila (Central ¶¹ÄÌÊÓƵAPP of Colombia): "Foreign Climate Policy and Domestic Industry Adjustment in a Small Open Economy" ( )

Ziho Park (National Taiwan University): "Trade Policy Uncertainty, Offshoring, and the Environment: Evidence from US Manufacturing Establishments" ( )

4:00 ¨C 4:30 PM

Coffee / Tea Break

4:30 ¨C 5:30 PM

Keynote Speech: Amit Khandelwal (Yale University) ( | )


Day 2 (Wednesday, 3 May 2023)

8:15 ¨C 8:45 AM

Registration and Breakfast

8:45 ¨C 10:45 AM

Session 4: Automation, Shocks and Concentration

Thao Trang Nguyen (Maastricht University): "Does Automation Adoption Drive Reshoring? A Cross-Country Investigation" ( )

Sally Chen (BIS, HK Monetary Authority): "Global supply chain interdependence and shock amplification ¨C evidence from Covid lockdowns?" ( | )

Eduardo Pinheiro Fraga (World ¶¹ÄÌÊÓƵAPP): "Drivers of Concentration: The Roles of Trade Access, Structural Transformation, and Local Fundamentals" ( | )

10:45 ¨C 11:10 AM

Coffee / Tea Break

11:15 AM ¨C
12:30 PM

Session 5: Trends in Investment

Andrea F. Presbitero (IMF): "Geoeconomic fragmentation and foreign direct investment" ( )

Sergio Schmukler (World ¶¹ÄÌÊÓƵAPP): "Bilateral International Investments: The Big Sur?" ( )

12:30 ¨C 1:30 PM


1:30 ¨C 3:30 PM

Session 6: Sanctions, Export Controls and Dispute Settlement

Fabio Ghironi (University of Washington): "International Trade and Macro Dynamics with Sanctions" ( | )

Ryo Makioka (Hokkaido University): "The Impact of Export Controls on International Trade: Evidence from the Japan--Korea Trade Dispute in Semiconductor Industry" ( )

Eric Arias (World ¶¹ÄÌÊÓƵAPP): "Impartiality & US influence in International Trade Courts: Evidence from the WTO Appellate Body" ( )

3:30 ¨C 4:00 PM

Coffee / Tea Break

4:00 ¨C 4:30 PM

Special Address

YB Senator Tengku Datuk Seri Zafrul Tengku Abdul Aziz (Minister of Investment, Trade and Industry)

4:30 ¨C 5:30 PM

Panel Discussion: Malaysia¡¯s participation and progression in Global Value Chains amid the recent global developments

Introductory Presenter: Daria Taglioni (World ¶¹ÄÌÊÓƵAPP, Research Manager) ()


  • YBhg Dato¡¯ Seri Wong Siew Hai (Malaysia Semiconductor Industry Association, President)
  • YBhg Datuk Seri Isham Ishak (Ministry of International Trade and Industry, Secretary General)
  • Dr. Ong Kian Ming (Taylor¡¯s University, Program Director)

Moderator: Aaditya Mattoo (World ¶¹ÄÌÊÓƵAPP, East Asia and Pacific, Chief Economist)

5:30 ¨C 5:45 PM

Closing Remarks ¨C Yasuhiko Matsuda (World ¶¹ÄÌÊÓƵAPP, Country Manager)



  • DATE: May 2-3, 2023
  • LOCATION: Asia School of Business, Kuala Lumpur