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Amazon Sustainable Landscapes Program

ASL Projects and Partners

"The Amazon Sustainable Landscape is an ambitious program to protect the biodiversity and ecosystem services that underpin community livelihoods and global environmental benefits. Building on decades of work in the Amazon region, this program works in collaboration with its partners from government, donor community and civil society organizations to accelerate local and regional solutions and promote sustainability."
Ana Maria Gonzalez Velosa
ASL Coordinator

The ASL is a regional effort for conservation and sustainable development in the Amazon, aiming to connect people and institutions to connect well conserved and managed landscapes. 

The national projects are led by environmental authorities in each participant Amazon country and are being executed collaboratively by national and international public and private agencies, supported by civil society and community organizations.

¶¹ÄÌÊÓƵAPP (WB) is the ASL¡¯s lead agency. The World Wide Fund for Nature (), and United Nations Development Programme (), Development ¶¹ÄÌÊÓƵAPP of Latin America (), Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (), United Nations Industrial Development Organization (), and International Fund for Agricultural Development () are the Global Environment Facility () agencies provide support for the preparation and implementation of national projects. A regional coordination project, implemented by the World ¶¹ÄÌÊÓƵAPP, provides technical assistance and knowledge management opportunities to the participant countries and program partners.

ASL1 Projects

ASL1 Coordination Technical Assistance Project 


Objective: The regional technical assistance project aims to strengthen coordination, access to information, and capacity of national projects' stakeholders under the ASL Program. Within ASL1, this regional project is bringing the national teams of Brazil, Colombia, and Peru together to build capacity and scale up innovative approaches by offering knowledge exchange events, enhancing coordination with key partners, and building a community of practice.

Opportunities for regional collaboration and governance processes are also promoted with a wider community of project teams, government institutions, donor agencies, and civil society organizations working in the Amazon.



Amazon Sustainable Landscapes Project


Executing Partners:  (FUNBIO),  (CI- Brazil), ICMBio, and the Ministry of Environment of Brazil


Objective: To expand the area under legal protection and improve management of protected areas and increase the area under restoration and sustainable management in the Brazilian Amazon. For more information, please visit the project  and (in Portuguese).

Project Sites: Protected and productive landscapes i the nine Brazilian Amazon  States (Acre, Amap¨¢, Amazonas, Maranh?o, Mato Grosso, Par¨¢, Rond?nia, Roraima, and Tocantins).





Forest Conservation and  Sustainability in the Heart of the Colombian Amazon 


Executing Partners:  , Parques Nacionales Naturales, IDEAM, Instituto SINCHI, Corpoamazonia, CDA, Patrimonio Natural 

Objective: To improve governance and promote sustainable land-use activities to reduce deforestation and conserve biodiversity in the project area. For more information, please visit the project (in Spanish), (in Spanish) and .

Project Sites: Serran¨ªa de Chiribiquete National Park (NP); Alto Fragua Indi Wasi NP; Paya NP; Serran¨ªa de Churumbelos Auka Wasi NP; Medicinal Plants Orito Ingi-Ande Flora Sanctuary; Corridor P¨¢ramos Miraflores/Picachos Regional Park, Bajo Caguan and Serran¨ªa La Lindosa, Capricho, Cerritos and Mirolindo; 22 indigenous reserves.




Connectivity and Biodiversity Conservation in the Colombian Amazon ¨C Sustainable Amazon for Peace


Executing Partner:  
GEF Agency: United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)

Objective: To improve connectivity and conserve biodiversity through the strengthening of institutions and local organizations to ensure integral low©\carbon emission management and peace building. For more information, please visit the project  (in Spanish) and (in Spanish).

Project Sites: Climate Change Management Strategy and Integrated Climate Change Plans developed for the Amazon region;  two  focalized  areas  for  landscape  design:  Sabanas  del  Yar¨ª  (Caquet¨¢  ¨C  Meta) and La Perla  Amaz¨®nica Campesino  Reserve  Zone  (Putumayo);  two  focalized  areas  for  strengthening  conservation  and sustainable,  inclusive  value  chains:  Piamonte (Cauca) and La Uribe (Meta). 



Sustainable Productive Landscapes in the Peruvian Amazon

Executing Partner:
GEF Agency: United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)


To generate multiple global environmental benefits through the application of an integrated approach to the management of Amazonian landscapes. For more information, please visit the project  and (in Spanish).

Project Sites: The project will benefit protected areas in 11 districts located in the regions of Ucayali and Hu¨¢nuco.


Securing the Future of Peru¡¯s Natural Protected Areas

Executing Partners: National Service of Natural Protected Areas (), , Peruvian Trust Fund for National Parks and Protected Areas ()
GEF Agency: WWF

Objective: To promote long-term financial sustainability for the effective management of the National System of Natural Protected Areas of Peru (SINANPE) for the protection of globally important biodiversity and ecosystem services in the Amazon Biome. For more information, please visit the project (in Spanish), (in Spanish) and .

Project Sites: The project will benefit the protected areas system that includes 38 protected areas in the Amazon forest. On-the-ground interventions will be supported in four prioritized protected areas (R¨ªo Abiseo National Park, Tingo Mar¨ªa National Park, Tabaconas Namballe National Sanctuary and the Machiguenga Communal Reserve). 


ASL 2 Projects

ASL2 Amazon Regional Technical Assistance


Objective: The project aims to facilitate the exchange of knowledge and experiences between the national ASL projects and with other key stakeholders. It aims to strengthen coordination, access to information, and capacity of national projects stakeholders under the GEF-7 Amazon Sustainable Landscapes Program.   



Amazon Sustainable Landscape approach in the National System of Protected Areas and Strategic Ecosystems of Bolivia

Two squirrel monkeys in the Amazon Rainforest
Executing Partner: Ministerio de Medio Ambiente y Agua

GEF Agency: CAF

Objective: Strengthening the management effectiveness and financial sustainability of SNAP and strategic ecosystems, based on social participation and on the sustainable production of natural resources, focusing on the Bolivian Amazon. For more information, please read the project (in Spanish).

Project Sites: Madidi Integrated Management Natural Area and National Park, Noel Kempff Mercado National Park, Beni Biological Station Biosphere Reserve, Manuripi Amazon National Wildlife Reserve, Isiboro S¨¦cure Indigenous Territory and National Park, Pil¨®n Lajas Biosphere Reserve and Communal Lands, subnational protected area Bruno Racua Wildlife Reserve, R¨ªo Yata Ramsar site, R¨ªo Matos Ramsar site, R¨ªo Blanco Ramsar site, and the Center of Indigenous Peoples of the Pando Amazon (CIPOAP) territories.



Amazon Sustainable Landscapes (ASL2)

Ant eater in the Amazon Rainforest
Executing Partners: FGV, Ministry of Environment of Brazil
GEF Agency: ¶¹ÄÌÊÓƵAPP Group

Objective: To expand the area under legal protection and improve management of PAs and increase the area under restoration and sustainable management in the Brazilian Amazon. For more information, please read the project (in Portuguese).

Project Sites: Protected areas, rural properties, and public lands in four Brazilian Amazon States (Acre, Amazonas, Par¨¢, Rond?nia), including the Central Amazon Biosphere Reserve, Baixo Rio Negro Mosaic of Conservation Units, Rio Negro Natural Heritage Site, Rio Negro, and the Rio Juru¨¢ Ramsar Sites. 



Forest Conservation and Sustainability in the Heart of the Colombian Amazon (ASL2)

Colombian Amazon Rainforest
Objective: To improve governance and promote sustainable land use activities in order to reduce deforestation and conserve biodiversity in the project area.

Project Sites: Protected areas (14): PNN Serran¨ªa del Chiribiquete (PNNSCH), PNN La Paya, PNN Serran¨ªa de los Churumbelos  - Auka  Wasi  (PNNSCHAW),  PNN  Alto  Fragua  Indiwasi  (PNNAFIW),  Medicinal  Plants  Orito Ingi-Ande Flora Sanctuary, PNN Sierra de la Macarena, PNN Tinigua, PNN Picachos, National Natural  Reserve  Nukak  (RNN  Nukak), National  Protected  Forest  Reserve  (RFPN)  Serran¨ªa  de  la  Lindosa,  RFPN  Alto  Mocoa  Basin  and  overlapping indigenous  reserves,  RFPN  Alto  San  Juan  Basin  and P¨¢ramo Miraflores ¨C Picachos, and the Bajo Guayabero Land Conservation District.

Ramsar sites: Lagos de Tarapoto and Estrella Fluvial de In¨ªrida (EFI)

Indigenous reserves (29): Those adjacent to and overlapping with PNNSCH, PNN La Paya, and the resguardos that are part of the Ramsar sites.

Forest management and development areas: Guaviare Forest area (in Guaviare), Yari-Cagu¨¢n Forest area (Caquet¨¢), Mecaya-Sencella Forest area of (Putumayo), and Tarapac¨¢ Forest area (Amazonas).



Biodiversity conservation and sustainable management of two priority landscapes in the Ecuadorian Amazon Region

Amazon Rainforest - Ecuador
Executing Partner: Ministerio del Ambiente, Agua y Transici¨®n Ecol¨®gica; Conservaci¨®n Internacional Ecuador 
GEF Agency: WWF

Objective: To   improve   the   ecological   connectivity   of   two   priority   landscapes,   the   Putumayo-Aguarico and the Palora-Pastaza, in the Ecuadorian Amazon, through the establishment of two connectivity corridors and associated management mechanisms, to ensure the long-term biodiversity conservation of its ecosystems. For more information, please read the project (in Spanish).

Project Sites: Putumayo-Aguarico (Sucumb¨ªos and Orellana provinces) and Palora-Pastaza (Pastaza and Morona Santiago provinces).



Securing a living Amazon through Landscape Connectivity in Central Guyana

Kaieteur Rainfalls in the Amazon Rainforest, Guyana
Executing Partners: Office of the President and Environment Protection Agency
GEF Agency: WWF

Objective: To  strengthen  landscape  connectivity  through  improved  management  of the  Kanuku Mountains Protected Area and North Rupununi Wetlands in southern Guyana. For more information, please read the project .

Project Sites: North Rupununi Wetlands (NRW) and the adjacent Kanuku Mountains Protected Area (KMPA).



Building human well-being and resilience in Amazonian forests by enhancing the value of biodiversity for food security and bio-businesses

Putumayo River in the Peruvian Amazon
Executing Partners: Ministerio del Ambiente, Profonanpe

Objective: To advance the conservation of healthy and functional forests and wetlands resilient to climate change, maintaining carbon stocks, preventing greenhouse gas emissions, and generating sustainable and resilient local livelihoods. For more information, please read the project (in Spanish).

Project Sites: Tigre-Mara?¨®n Landscape (province and department of Loreto) and Alto Ucayali-Inuya Landscape (province of Atalaya-Ucayali and province of Satipo-Jun¨ªn).



Strengthening management of protected and productive landscapes in the Surinamese Amazon

leaf on a tree
Executing Partners: Ministry of Spacial Planning and Environment, Ministry of Land Policy and Forest Management, SSB
GEF Agency: UNDP

Objective: Securing equitable management of Suriname¡¯s protected and productive landscapes through integrated approaches that deliver mutually supportive  conservation  and  sustainable livelihood benefits. 

Project Sites: Saamaka/Matawai region:  Brownsber Nature Park, Brinckheuvel  Nature Reserve,  and  Central Suriname Nature Reserve. Coeroeni/Paroe region: Sipaliwini Nature Reserve.