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PPPs for policy making: a visual guide to using data from the ICP - Annex


Table A1. List of links to interactive visualizations (URLs)

Figure 1.1 PPP-based GDP and share of global PPP-based GDP, 2017
Figure 1.2 PPP-based GDP, by region
Figure 1.3 PPP-based GDP projections, by country group
Figure 1.4 Price level indexes of major expenditure components, 2017
Figure 1.5 PPP-based GDP per capita and GDP price level index, 2017
Figure 1.6 Spatial cost of living index among Vietnam regions
Figure 1.7 Spatial cost of living index by commodity group for Vietnam regions, 2019
Figure 1.8 Regional consumer price levels for selected expenditure components, United Kingdom, 2016
Figure 2.1 Poverty headcount ratio at international poverty lines
Figure 2.2 Poverty gap and poverty headcount ratio at $1.90 a day (2011 PPP$) for selected low-income countries, most recent year (2008 - 2018)
Figure 2.3 Societal poverty vs national poverty lines, most recent year (2003 - 2018)
Figure 2.4 Working poverty rate - share of employed living below $1.90 a day (2011 PPP$)
Figure 2.5 Mean consumption or income per capita of poorest 40% of population vs total population, most recent year (2011 - 2018)
Figure 2.6 Mean consumption or income per capita by population cohort, most recent year (2010 - 2019)
Figure 2.7 Daily median income and share of population living below 50 percent of the median, most recent year (2008 - 2018)
Figure 3.1 Coefficient of variation of price level indexes of household final consumption expenditure for the European Union
Figure 3.2 Value added per person employed by firm size for selected countries, 2016
Figure 4.1 Mean hourly labor costs per employee for selected countries, 2018
Figure 4.2 Mean monthly earnings for selected countries, 2018
Figure 4.3 Mean monthly earnings of employees by sex, most recent year (2014 - 2018)
Figure 4.4 Statutory gross monthly minimum wage for selected countries, 2018
Figure 4.5 Average annual income from agriculture of small-scale food producers for selected countries, 2014
Figure 4.6 Pay compression ratios in the public sector, by occupation, 2017
Figure 4.7 Annual social safety net (SSN) spending per capita by region, most recent year (2008 - 2016)
Figure 5.1 Cost per person per day by food group by region
Figure 5.2 Cost of the EAT- Lancet reference diet relative to mean daily per capita household income by country within income group, 2011
Figure 5.3 Costs per day of diets meeting caloric and nutrient adequacy
Figure 5.4 Food expenditure share of AIC by AIC per capita index, 2017
Figure 5.5 Component share of food basket expenditure by region, 2017
Figure 6.1 Health expenditures per capita, 2018
Figure 6.2 Price levels and PPP-based expenditures for health, 2017
Figure 6.3 Out-of-pocket health expenditures and impoverishment, 2015
Figure 6.4 Maternal mortality ratio
Figure 7.1 Government and household funding per student by education level for selected low-income countries, most recent value (2010 to 2019).
Figure 7.2 Price levels and PPP-based expenditures for education, 2017
Figure 7.3 Annual average salaries of school heads and teachers for selected OECD countries, 2019
Figure 7.4 Private net financial returns for person attaining upper secondary or tertiary education by sex for selected OECD countries, 2017
Figure 8.1 GDP per unit of energy use by income group
Figure 8.2 CO2 emissions per unit of PPP-based GDP by income group
Figure 8.3 Estimated annual average losses avoided by reducing exposure of the poorest to natural hazards
Figure 9.1 Gross Capital Formation: Price level index and PPP-based expenditure per capita, 2017
Figure 9.2 Price levels and PPP-based expenditures for construction, 2017
Figure 9.3 PPP-based transport expenditure per capita by region, 2017
Figure 9.4 Cost of ICT services, 2019
Figure 9.5 Price levels and PPP-based expenditures for communications, 2017
Figure 9.6 Gross domestic expenditure on research and development (GERD) by income group, 2017
Figure 9.7 Total OECD expenditure on R&D by performing sector
Figure 9.8 Global Innovation Index score by PPP-based GDP per capita, 2020
Figure 10.1 Income indexes by human development level, 2019
Figure 10.2 Estimated GNI per capita by sex, 2019
Figure 10.3 PPP-based indicators in the Better Life Index for selected OECD countries
Figure 11.1 IMF quotas, top ten member countries
Map 1.1 PPP-based GDP per capita, 2019
Map 1.2 PPP-based AIC per capita, 2017
Map 1.3 PPP-based GNI and GNI per capita, 2019
Map 1.4  Real per capita personal income, United States, 2019
Map 3.1 Market size, 2017-2018
Map 3.2 Price competitiveness index, 2017
Map 3.3 Price level index for restaurants and hotels, 2017
Map 3.4 PPP-based GDP per person employed, 2019
Map 5.1  Relative caloric price (CPR): eggs to staple food, 2011
Map 6.1  Mean household per capita out-of-pocket health spending, most recent year (2009-2018)
Map 7.1  PPP-based government expenditure on education, most recent value (2010-2019)
Map 8.1  Energy intensity of primary energy, 2017
Map 9.1  Price level indexes for transportation services, 2017
Map 9.2  Monthly cost of fixed broadband 5GB, 2019
Map 9.3  Gross domestic expenditure on research and development per capita, most recent year (2013 - 2018)
Map 9.4 National agricultural research expenditure per 100,000 farmers, Sub-Saharan African countries, most recent year (2011 - 2016)
Map 10.1  Human Development Index, 2019
Map 11.1  PPP-based GNI per capita, EU member states, 2019