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Latin America and the Caribbean Gender Innovation Lab

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Publications & Resources

Recent Publications

  • Woman worker in the technical maintenance area of the Quito Subwa

    The gender wage gap in Latin America and the Caribbean is a persistent problem. Working women in the region earn, on average, 70 cents for every dollar earned by men. But this simple statistic does not tell the whole story: it fails to capture the complexity of gender disparities in labor income.

  • two women in a library
    Policy Brief

    Policy interventions can help boost adolescent girls¡¯ aspirations and opportunities through exposure to role models, vocational training including life skills training, and conditional cash transfers. 

  • Bahia City with name
    Policy Brief

    In Brazil, a peer-led intervention focused on sexual & reproductive health & students' aspirations at public high schools, resulted in significantly ??improved contraceptive use &??decreased teenage pregnancy rates.

  •  - June 2024
  • Uneven Recovery in Latin America and The Caribbean: Are Women Being Left Behind? ( & ) - July, 2022
  •  (Spanish) - May 2022
  • DIGITAGRO - Investing in Digital Technology to Increase Market Access for Women Agri-preneurs in Guatemala ( & ) - March 2022
  •  February 2022
  •  (Spanish) - July, 2021
  •  - May, 2021
  •  May 2021
  •  April 2021
  •  - October 2019
  •  - June 2016
  •  (Spanish) - 2016
  • - June 2024
  • The Nerds, the Cool and the Central:  Peer Education and Teen Pregnancy in Brazil ( & ) - June 2024
  • Facilitating the School to Work Transition of Young Women ( & ) - November 2022
  • Improving Gender Wage Equality Reduces Intimate Partner Violence in Brazil: Policy Implications for Mothers ( & ) - May 2021
  •  (Spanish) - February 2021
  • The Gendered Impacts of COVID-19 on the Labor Market in Latin America and the Caribbean (, , & ) - January 2021
  • Women Entrepreneurs in Mexico: Breaking Sectoral Segmentation and Increasing Profits ( & ) ¨C October 2020
  • - April, 2023
  • - February, 2023
  • - November, 2022
  • - September, 2022
  • - April, 2021
  • - June, 2021
  • - August, 2021


2023 Updated Policy Notes on LCR Gender Priorities

  •  (also in )
  •  (also in )
  •  (also in )

Country Gender Assessments

Latin America and the Caribbean Gender Country Scorecards

  • Mexico ( & )
  • Colombia ( & )
  • Costa Rica ( & )
  • Dominican Republic ( & )
  • El Salvador ( & )
  • Guatemala ( & )
  • Honduras ( & )
  • Nicaragua ( & )
  • Panama ( & )
  • Haiti ( and )
  • Brazil ( and )
  • Bolivia ( & )
  • Chile ( & )
  • Ecuador ( & )
  • Peru ( & )
  • Argentina ( & )
  • Paraguay ( & )
  • Uruguay ( & )

Country Gender Gaps

Global Facility for Disaster Reduction and Recovery (GFDRR) Notes

Gender Data Sources

Gender Innovation Lab Federation

Gender Strategic Framework 


Impact Evaluation Theory and Methods

Impact Evaluation Registries and Databases