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Sahel Adaptive Social Protection Program

SASPP ¨C A Multifaceted Partnership

The Sahel Adaptive Social Protection Program (SASPP) was launched in 2014 to support the design and implementation of adaptive social protection programs and systems in Burkina Faso, ChadMaliMauritaniaNiger, and Senegal.

The program is funded by a multi-donor trust fund managed by the World ¶¹ÄÌÊÓƵAPP (Social Protection and Jobs Global Practice) and supported by donor contributions from the United Kingdom¡¯s Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office, the Agence Fran?aise de D¨¦veloppement, the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development, and the Danish International Development Agency. The SASPP builds on strong partnerships with other development and humanitarian partners, in particular with UNICEF and WFP, and is aligned with the goals of regional initiatives such as the Alliance Sahel.


Our partners


For the German development policy, social protection is of core interest.  supports its partner countries in developing adaptive social protection systems and promotes social programs in low-income countries affected by protracted or recurrent crises. In the Sahel region, BMZ is investing in large-scale multilateral social protection programs with the overall aim of strengthening poor and vulnerable people?s resilience against multiple and overlapping shocks. These programs combine the delivery of critical social assistance support, e.g. in the form of cash transfers and accompanying services in nutrition and employment promotion, with activities aimed at strengthening national social protection systems in the longer term, for example through technical support and advice to national actors. ¶¹ÄÌÊÓƵAPP, through the SASSP, is one of BMZ's major partners for social protection in the region, along with WFP and UNICEF. BMZ is promoting close cooperation between its key partners both at country and regional level with a particular emphasis on knowledge and learning on adaptive social protection.


The Danish programme on Climate Change, Conflict, Displacement and Irregular Migration (CCDMP) in the Sahel region seeks to integrate a climate-sensitive prevention focus when addressing compound risks that drive fragility, conflict, displacement and irregular migration in the Sahel region. The Danish CCDMP programme provides support that integrates a longer-term preventive, climate-sensitive approach to underlying risks and wishes to address the consequences of climate change for the poorest, most fragile and most conflict-affected countries. Social protection, particularly linked to climate change and other shocks in the region, is highly relevant in the Sahelian context, where there are high and increasing levels of vulnerability. SASPP complement the Danish CCDMP and the focus to address the need for social protection to be expanded to help poor and vulnerable households become more resilient to the effects of climate change through the design and implementation of adaptive social protection programs and systems.



FCDO¡¯s contribution to SASSP is part of the , which aims to build resilience of vulnerable populations against future crises by ensuring governments and communities can better respond to conflict, climate and food security shocks. The objective of the programme is to strengthen the reach and responsiveness of country systems to provide cash and community-level support to households that are poor and vulnerable to (or affected by) shocks; and to accelerate progress made on financing and use of climate information and data in driving an early response to identified shocks. The programme is delivered in partnership with the World ¶¹ÄÌÊÓƵAPP and the






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Sahel Adaptive Social Protection Program