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Service Delivery Indicators

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How to Use




  • To display indicators, please select all or the countries you would like to see using the country year dropdown menu.
  • Then, please choose among the follwing grouping options to show the indicators it contains.
  • You may also choose to display the average performance of suveyed countries using the display average menu.
  • To display the details of more than one country, you may hold the CTRL key down and click on the countries of interest.
  • Now you are ready to explore the data: feel free to hover over each bar, and click on a country's data  to find out more, including public/private, urban/rural, and gender disaggregations when available.
  • You can hover over the definition for details and click on the map to get more details about the country.

Education Indicators

Knowledge & Ability



  • Minimum teacher knowledge
  • Classroom absence rate
  • School absence rate
  • Time spent teacher per day
  • Equipment availability
  • Infrastructure availability
  • Observed student-teacher ratio
  • Share of students with textbooks

More detailed information on each indicator can be found in the Methodology section.

Microdata Catalog - Education