Understanding the Latest Trends in Aid Effectiveness



The papers below offer a quantitative overview of changes in global aid financing, sources, and delivery mechanisms.

, 2024

, 2024

, 2022

, 2021


  • In the global development math, multiplication beats division
  • A changing landscape: Trends in official financial flows and the aid architecture, 2022
  • How the structure of global aid and development finance is changing, 2021
  • Delivering aid differently—Lessons from the field, 2011
  • Finance for development: Trends and opportunities in a changing landscape, 2011
  • An overview of the main trends in official development assistance flows, 2008
  • IDA: The platform for achieving results at the country level, 2008
  • Supporting the country-based development model, 2007


Trends in Official Financial Flows and the Aid Architecture

A summary of key findings by Akihiko Nishio, Vice President for Development Finance Arrow




IDA20 Replenishment Resources

  • Building Back Better from the Crisis: Toward a Green, Resilient and Inclusive Future

    The twenty-first replenishment of the International Development Association (IDA20) reaffirmed the international community's commitment to assist IDA countries in addressing the challenges arising from the COVID-19 crisis and re-establishing their progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) sustainably.

  • Global Community Consolidates Commitment to the Poorest with $93 Billion Package

    The Government of Japan and the World ¶¹ÄÌÊÓƵAPP hosted the in-person launch of the twentieth cycle of the International Development Association (IDA20) at a gathering of donor and recipient countries.

  • Translating New Ideas into Better and Lasting Results

    IDA20, guided by ambitious policy commitments made in successive replenishment cycles, continues to respond to evolving global demands, focusing on local contexts and implementing fresh concepts and goals to achieve greater and lasting outcomes.   

  • Capturing IDA's Value Proposition

    The IDA20 RMS indicators ensure continuity over multiple IDA cycles and reflect the priorities under the five Special Themes and the four Cross-Cutting Issues.