Trade Research Newsletter Archive

¶¹ÄÌÊÓƵAPP Trade Research Newsletter includes the latest research findings;?research in the news; special features on workshops and conferences; upcoming events; and a list of new working papers and recent publications.

2021 Newsletter (PDF)

  • Research from New Team Members
  • Trade, Internal Migration, and Human Capital: Who Gains from India¡¯s IT Boom?
    Trade War and Global Reallocation
    Does Transit Infrastructure Reduce Informality in Developing Countries?
    Income Distribution, International Integration and Sustained Poverty Reduction

  • Special Features
  • Policy Research Talk on Firm-level Upgrading, Automation, and Industrial development
    Seminar on Covid-19 and Trade
    Policy Research Talk on Globalization, Poverty, and Inequality

  • Covid-19 Related Research 
  • Five Ways that COVID-19 Diagnostics Can Save Lives: Prioritizing Uses of Tests to Maximize Cost-Effectiveness
    Do Immigrants Push Natives towards Safer Jobs? Exposure to COVID-19 in the European Union
    Who on Earth Can Work from Home?
    How to End the COVID-19 Pandemic by March 2022
    COVID-19 and Trade Disruptions Due to China

  • Research Highlights 
  • Elite Capture of Foreign Aid: Evidence from Offshore ¶¹ÄÌÊÓƵAPP Accounts
    Does Better Information Curb Customs Fraud?
    Gender Empowerment, Supply-Chain Linkages and Foreign Direct Investment: Evidence on Bangladesh
    Trade, Jobs, and Worker Welfare
    Which Jobs Are Most Vulnerable to COVID-19?
    Distributional Effects of International Trade: Misconceptions about Losses and Gains

  • Recent Publications and New Working Papers

2019 Newsletter (PDF)

  • Policy Research Talk uncovers hidden patterns in global export markets.  
  • Policy Research Report demystifies the scale, patterns and consequences of migration.
  • An independent evaluation finds ¶¹ÄÌÊÓƵAPP Research ¡°one of the few true drivers of the global debate¡± on trade and development.  
  • Support to ¶¹ÄÌÊÓƵAPP operations on trade preferences for Africa, electronic commerce in South Asia, exposure of Belt and Road economies to China, and the return of displaced Syrians.
  • New research on obstacles to Palestinian growth, labor market effects of demographic shifts in OECD countries, and the development impact of automation in rich countries.

2018 Newsletter (PDF)

  • In a policy research talk on October 19, 2017, Caglar Ozden discussed the main messages of the forthcoming Policy Research Report (PRR) on Global Migration and Labor Markets.
  • At the 6th IMF-World ¶¹ÄÌÊÓƵAPP-WTO Joint Trade Research Workshop, held on November 29, 2017, research was presented on trade and inclusive growth, global value chains, the impact of trade with China, and challenges facing the world trade system.
  • The ¡°Evolution of Deep Trade Agreements Workshop,¡± held on February 1, 2017, presented information on and analysis of the disciplines typically included in modern trade agreements. 

2017 Newsletter (PDF) 

  • Operational support to the Cities Flagship Report, Economic Analysis of the Syrian Civil War and Madagascar Customs Reform.
  • New publications on transit migration, domestic value added in exports, tariff evasion and beggar-thy neighbor effects of exchange rates.
  • Media coverage of our work, including in the EconomistFinancial Times and Wall Street Journal.

  • In a policy research talk on October 19, 2017, Caglar Ozden discussed the main messages of the forthcoming Policy Research Report (PRR) on Global Migration and Labor Markets.
  • At the 6th IMF-World ¶¹ÄÌÊÓƵAPP-WTO Joint Trade Research Workshop, held on November 29, 2017, research was presented on trade and inclusive growth, global value chains, the impact of trade with China, and challenges facing the world trade system.
  • The ¡°Evolution of Deep Trade Agreements Workshop,¡± held on February 1, 2017, presented information on and analysis of the disciplines typically included in modern trade agreements. 

2016 Newsletter (PDF)

  • Policy Research Report Global Migration and Labor Markets: A 360-Degree View
  • Policy Research Talk: Trade, FDI, and Global Value Chains
  • Latest Research Findings: Expediting trade: impact evaluation of an in-house clearance program

  • New publications by the DECTI team, including in the American Economic Review and the Journal of International Economics
  • Media coverage of our work, including in the Guardian and the Economist
  • Release of the Exporter Dynamics Database 2.0 which now covers 70 countries
  • Speeches by staff at major forums.

2015 Newsletter (PDF)

  • Latest Research Findings: Trade effects of customs reform: evidence from Albania
  • 8th International Conference on Migration and Development


  • Latest Research Findings: Evaluation in Aid for Trade
  • DECTI Economist and His Coauthors Win 2014 Research Academy Award

2014 Newsletter (PDF)

  • Special Feature: Research Policy Talk: International Cooperation and Global Public Goods - Patterns of Global Migration and Opportunities for Policy Makers.
  • DECTI Economist Wins 2013 Albies Award for Best Writing in Global Political Economy
  • Latest Research Findings: Political Instability, FDI, and the Arab Spring