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Europe and Central Asia | Governance









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Building Effective, Accountable, and Inclusive Institutions: A Conversation with Europe and Central Asia and Latin America and Caribbean  


May 3

 This session discussed the challenges and opportunities, push points and commonalities for building effective, inclusive, and accountable institutions in Europe and Central Asia and Latin America and the Caribbean region. 
Can Opening Up Government Accelerate Gender Equality?


March 21

RECORDINGThe session explored the complex relationship between gender equality and the core tenets of open government. 
Boosting Public Financial Management Knowledge in Europe and Central Asia through PEMPAL


December 13

This knowledge learning session is part of a series on PEMPAL to help PFM practioners leverage the PEMPAL Network to strengthen PFM in the ECA region.
Catalyzing Public Administration Reform through Surveys - Lessons from Romania and Uruguay


December  8

This knowledge learning session presented the findings from HRM surveys from Romania and Uruguay. 
Measuring Corruption, Advancing Integrity and Using Evidence for Policy Engagement


November 18

The speakers discussed how policy engagement and research have shaped the focus and methodology for the integrity indicators, and how the indicators are in turn being used for policy discussions and engagement in country by the EU and others. 
Azerbaijan: e-Courts and the Digitization of Justice


June 29

This session presented the findings of the Azerbaijan: e-Courts case study featured in the publication 
Data, Digitalization and Governance ¨C Key Tools for a Resilient Recovery in ECA 


May 25

During this session, the Chief Economist for the Europe and Central Asia (ECA) region discussed the chapter on , including policy recommendations, grounded in empirical evidence for harnessing the data revolution to improve governance across ECA.
Sealing the Tax Gap: Improving Tax Compliance in Poland


May 10

During this session, the speakers presented how estimates of tax gaps in Poland, especially in VAT, helped to diagnose the compliance issues, what measures including both changes in the tax policy and tax administration have been introduced and applied to reduce the gaps, and what remains to be done to sustain and further close the gaps. 
Reestablishing Trust in Government in ECA and Beyond: Citizens Assemblies & CivicTech


May 5


During this Master Class, George Zarkadakis discussed how citizen assemblies can be an effective citizen engagement tool for regaining public trust, enhancing liberal democracy, and bridging the gap between experts and non-experts.  
THINK EQUAL: How Gender Responsive Budgeting in Albania is Advancing Equality


April 28

During this session, the speakers discussed how Albania has been successfully using gender-responsive budgeting as a basis for policy formulation and presented the findings of the Albania Results Story featured in the publication 
Beyond the Technical Drivers of Justice Reform: Lessons from Moldova





During this interactive session, the speakers shared their experience working in a rapidly changing environment, the need to stay focused yet flexible and adjust approaches to the reality on the ground while remaining engaged.
Two for One: How Leveraging Small Claims Procedures Can Improve Both Judicial Efficiency and Access to Justice




During this session, the speakers presented the  Note and the panel discussed how to operationalize the key findings and recommendations
Making Ownership of State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs) Successful: The Case of Lithuania




This session presented the findings of the Lithuania SOE Case Study featured in the publication 
Mobile Broadband Internet and Confidence in Government




RECORDINGDuring this session speakers discussed how mobile broadband internet affects the approval of governments, particularly in the ECA region.
Public Procurement Reforms in ECA: Are They Working? Lessons from Serbia, Georgia and Ukraine


December 10

During this session, speakers provided an overview of the public procurement reforms in Serbia, Georgia, and Ukraine.
Financial Management Use of Technology




During this session speakers discussed developments in technology and how they can be applied to financial management work.
Improving Public Sector Performance: Performance Management and Performance Pay




Speakers presented lessons learnt from an in-depth analysis of the staff performance management system in the Romanian public administration interaction of diversity and variation in performance-based bonuses in formal work groups. 
Machines and the Future of Public Service: AI for Public Sector Performance and Service Delivery


October 28

RECORDINGSpeakers discussed how AI can prevent fraud in revenue management and how AI and machine learning is used in the delivery of public services.
EXPECT THE UNEXPECTED: Using Scenario Planning for Reopening Schools in Romania


October 22

Speakers reflected on the experience of using scenario planning to help the Romanian Government get better prepared for reopening and operating schools in the COVID-19 context.
Capable States and Trustworthy Leaders: Supporting Institutions and Collective Action for Economic Recovery


October 1

This discussion with Francis Fukuyama explored how the COVID crisis coincides with the impacts of climate change putting additional stresses on states and societies and how communities can support constructive collective action ¨C locally, nationally, and internationally.
What to Expect from the Post-COVID State?


September 23


This talk presented a framework for thinking about the social, economic, and political consequences of the COVID-19 crisis and argued for building a new and more expansive welfare state, undergirded not by a more powerful state but more active societal participation in politics.
Legitimacy and Trust in Public Institutions in the time of COVID-19: Implications for ECA


September 14

The session reflected on the implications of the recent publication titled  in the Time of COVID-19 on the ECA region.
Troubling Trends: Insights from a Decade of Tracking Institutional Transformation in ECA


July 9

The BTI team discussed the main findings and trends over time for the ECA region, identified potential challenges or reform drivers in individual countries and sub-regional groups, and presented the various ways to access BTI data and analyses.
Book: ¡°Building Effective, Accountable, and Inclusive Institutions in ECA¡±


July 9

This session presented key takeaways from the   book specifically looking at how institutions play a key role in building economies and delivering quality public services to people across all countries in ECA. 
Improving Budget Transparency: Can Europe and Central Asia Keep Up?


May 12

Speakers from the International Budget Partnership presented an overview of the methodology used by the Open Budget Initiative and provided an aggregate assessment of the performance of countries in Europe and Central Asia in three areas; transparency, public participation and budgetary oversight.
Managing the Public Sector Wage Bill During COVID-19: A Panel Discussion 


May 8

 This session discussed what the appropriate short and medium term policies should be to manage the difficult tradeoffs of the public sector wage bill in the short and medium term in the context of COVID-19.
Democratic Governance in ECA - One Step Forward Two Steps Back?


March 4

The authors of the  report discussed the main findings for Europe.


LGBTI Exclusion in Serbia: Measuring its Socioeconomic Dimensions - Data Matters 



February 25


This session discussed key findings from the report  which is based on an adaptation of the EU¡¯s .
Justice Surveys: Why to do them and how to do them


February  11

This session provided technical guidance on how to do justice surveys, specifically how to decide on the specific survey, how to design it, how to implement it, and how to utilize the data in the reform process. 
Fiscal Decentralization, Local Government & Policy Reversals in Southeastern Europe 


January 28


The authors of  book discussed the various decentralization approaches that have been adopted.



SOE Employment Practices, Labor Markets, and Firm Performance: The Case of Russia


November 26

The authors presented the findings of the  report.
Building Trust in the Tax System: A New Approach


November 25

The Global Tax Team presented the findings of the  including the operational tools and discussed how they can be leveraged to contribute to better informed tax reforms. 
Bulgaria's Shared Services Journey: Changing the Mindset of the Public Administration


October 3

During this session, a World ¶¹ÄÌÊÓƵAPP team and representatives from the Government of Bulgaria presented the shared services approach and model applied in Bulgaria.
Multisectoral P4Rs: Accelerating Service Delivery ¡ª Lessons for ECA


March 14

During this session, World ¶¹ÄÌÊÓƵAPP staff working in the ECA region shared experiences on how to leverage PforR operations to improve service delivery. 
Determinants of Trust in Institutions in Times of Crisis: Evidence from Europe


November 19

Dr. Christos Kallandranis, Senior Lecturer in Finance Regent¡¯s University London, shared the results of a study that uses micro-level data from the Eurobarometer to explore the determinants of trust across countries in Europe.  
Citizen-Centric Local Governance Scorecard Initiative in Turkey


October 22

The speaker from the Arg¨¹den Governance Academy presented the methodology developed and the results obtained for an "open-government' lens exercise in Turkey.
Mystery Shopper Experiments: A Powerful Tool to Measure LGBTI Exclusion


May 7

The lead author of the  report shared the results of the experiments and the development implications for LGBTI people. 
Budget Transparency in Europe and Central Asia: Has the Train Stopped?


May 2

Speakers from the International Budget Partnership provided an assessment of the performance of countries in ECA in three areas; transparency, public participation and budgetary oversight.